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Episode 128: Doing Goals Differently

Grab a cup of your favorite warm drink and join us for a discussion of our approach to goals this year! Keep the conversation going by DMing us on IG @thedeliberateday or sending us an email at

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Travel The Deliberate Day Travel The Deliberate Day

Episode 127: Systems that Alleviate Stress with Sterling Jaquith

She’s a wife, a homeschooling momma to 6 beautiful souls, an author, a podcaster, a speaker, an entrepreneur, and a Catholic Business coach who teaches women to discern God’s will for their lives and businesses! Can we talk about wearing different hats mommas?!

AND…she’s coming with the fire today! Sweet mommas, may we introduce Sterling Jaquith.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 85: Happy to Go, but Sad to Leave with Breanna Walsh

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich said, "Well-behaved women seldom make history", but this quotation doesn't mean what you think it means...

Thatcher, a historian, author, educator, and mother of 5 was dedicated to telling the quiet stories of ordinary people...and she won a Pulitzer Prize for it. Because, as she states, “it is in the very dailiness, the exhaustive, repetitious dailiness, that the real power lies… living has to be measured in doing.” and mommas...our lives are a very measure of doing, and doing, and doing.

We don't have to be aggressive, loud, and bold to change the world...there is power in our quiet contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters...and they rarely get attention or credit, because well-behaved women seldom make history....but that doesn't mean our contributions aren't valuable, necessary, beautiful, and worthy of being celebrated!

In our new series, "Just" a Mom, we are celebrating YOUR stories, the seemingly ordinary. Because no mom is 'just' a mom and we all have triumphs, struggles, challenges, and beauty to share. And frankly, other moms need to hear them.

Today we have Breanna Walsh, she's a homeschooling mom of 6, a wife of 20 years, and the owner of Tin Soldier Safety Latches. She's not only a child of God, but Britt's beautiful and wonderful sister!

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 84: Two True Stories of Well Behaved Women

You've probably heard the quote, "Well-behaved women seldom make history", but you might be surprised by what Laurel Thatcher Ulrich really meant by this statement, and once you hear it you'll never be able to hear this quote the same way.

Thatcher, a historian, author, educator, and mother of 5 dedicated her work to telling the quiet stories of ordinary people...and she won a Pulitzer Prize for it. Because, as she states, “it is in the very dailiness, the exhaustive, repetitious dailiness, that the real power lies… living has to be measured in doing.” and mommas...our lives are a very measure in doing, and doing, and doing.

Often this quote is misunderstood to mean that in order to change the world and make a difference we must be aggressive, loud, and bold...but it was merely to share that the quiet and compliant contributions of women rarely get attention or credit for their accomplishments. That's us mommas. We're living that truth every single day, because what we do. It matters. Oh man does it matter.

In our new series, "Just" a Mom, we are celebrating the beautiful stories of ordinary, well-behaved women...who we know are far more than what we see at first glance. The lives we are living have incredible beauty and power in them, and we want to share them with the world.

Welcome to the ‘Just a Mom’ Series…

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 83: Survival-How to Lean-In

We're starting out today with a question...How are you? Really? Momma?

If you answered with I'm so tired...or overwhelmed...or I'm surviving...but barely…

We've got you.

We did some digging this week to talk about what has been commonly coined as "Survival mode" in motherhood...and we came up with some surprising insight...

First of all in our humble opinion...survival mode isn't just a mode, it's a season

Which is good news! Because if you're in a season of survival, it means it won't last forever.

The downside here is that because our motherhood is challenges can throw us back into a season of survival…

But what IF a season of survival isn't a BAD thing...but just a different season...and one that we can lean-in to?

Hear us out! I know that sounds trite...But it's very possible this new outlook might be exactly what you need to SURVIVE a season of survival.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 75: Together We Rise-On Supporting your Husband

There's a lot of talk and support out there for going after our own goals, but today we turned the tables...and we are talking all about how to best support our SPOUSE’S goals…while holding boundaries and being intentional with our own capacity.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 74: Supporting Our Stars with Karyn Macfarlane

There's a lot of talk and support out there for going after our own goals, but today we wanted to turn the we've invited someone really special here to talk about how we can support our spouses in THEIR goals.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 73: Why You MUST Share Your Goals with Your People

Going after our own goals has a huge impact on our husbands and children, not only because more often than not our goals affect our families…but because we teach so much louder with our actions than our words.

In this episode we want to talk about inviting our people into our goals. The why and the how…

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 72: Big Families + Business-SO Hard, yet SO Beautiful

Today, we’re going to give you a peak behind the curtain and talk about what we’re doing and where we’re going at The Deliberate Day!

We talk about how it all started, how it’s been going, and OUR big dreams (after asking you to work out all of yours for an entire month)!

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 71: Healing your Relationship with Yourself-Speaking Truth, Managing Thoughts, and Keeping Promises

We can give you all the tools in the world, but if you don't truly believe in YOU...

Defeat will always win.

If this speaks to your heart...but your mind is still throwing shade. Stick with us because...we're speaking directly to you today.

There's a pretty big movement of woo lately...but maybe it's not all as crazy as it sounds.

There's real science backing studies focusing on a growth mindset perspective

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 70: Where Goals and Motherhood Meet-Battling Discouragement with a 30-Day Assessment

Today we're going to embrace the suck.

Because motherhood is HARD.

There's no ifs, ands, or buts, about it.

In podcast 65 we talked about taking your goals and breaking them down into mini goals and action steps.

This week we're speaking directly to how these goals, mini goals, and actions steps meet resistance in the days, weeks, and months of our motherhoods and giving you tools to greet them where they are.

Today we're walking you through the 30-day motherhood assessment from The Deliberate Start.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 69: Where Goals and Motherhood Meet-Dealing with Discouragement in our Weeks

Today we're going to embrace the suck.

Because motherhood is HARD.

There's no ifs, ands, or buts, about it.

In podcast 65 we talked about taking your goals and breaking them down into mini goals and action steps.

This week we're speaking directly to how these goals, mini goals, and actions steps meet resistance in the days, weeks, and months of our motherhoods and giving you tools to greet them where they are.

Today we're taking those same steps we talked about in episode #68 and we're looking at them from mountain top view, with a weekly perspective.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 68: Where Goals and Motherhood Meet-Dealing with Daily Discouragement

This week we want to honor the struggle.

Because motherhood is HARD.

There are spirits of defeat, discouragement, fear, inadequacy, and sadness that we are fighting Every. Single. Day.

And frankly...Discouragement is everywhere you look.

You can feel it and see at the beginning of the pandemic

but ESPECIALLY after 2022.

And while that's not something to celebrate, the truth is, when everything looks good (Social media Highlights) it's easy to feel lonely.

Or like the problem is with YOU.

That your goals and dreams don't work because you don't work hard enough.

Or because you aren't enough to do it all.


You aren't alone.

We're all feeling it, but there are mommas fighting against these same demons and winning. You heard some mommas' wins in our last podcast and you're going to hear some more!

PSST...Keep the wins coming! We'll let you know how you can send them in at the end...

Motherhood IS hard BUT you can struggle on the daily and still accomplish big things.

The beauty here in the struggle is...we are becoming.

These challenges are what shape us into the best version of ourselves...

And it means we're…

Going after these goals means we're in the game! We're doing the things!

We're in the arena (maybe even with real lions)

We aren't living in our defeat, discouragement, fear, inadequacy, or sadness.

They might still come to visit, but we're hugging them and sending them on their merry stinking way.

Your goals will change the world (we're not even kidding here)...but the reality is life is going to happen

Accident when you're walking out the door

A cold is going to run through the house the last 5 weeks of the year

Your cat is going to eat 4' of yarn (financial freedom year)

Someone is going to break something

Your travel plans are going to have a a flat tire, or a snowed in cabin

You'll throw your hip out while you're putting on your pants and have to rest instead of exercise.

You'll have nights where no one sleeps and you're so sleep deprived only survival is possible the next day.

And when it're going to need tools to deal with it.

So how do we recommit to moving forward, to getting back on track, when it does?

In podcast 65 we talked about taking your goals and breaking them down into mini goals and actions steps.

This week we're speaking directly to how these goals, mini goals, and actions steps meet resistance in the days, weeks, and months of our motherhoods and giving you tools to greet them where they are.

Today is all about daily resistance

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