Episode 73: Why You MUST Share Your Goals with Your People


What You’ll Learn

  • Today’s Sponsor (01:00)

  • Goals (01:45)

  • Why bring our people in? (03:23)

  • Bringing our People in (14:50)

  • Q & A (23:34)

  • Mom Wins (40:19)

  • Recap (44:55)

  • Invitation (45:28)

Going after our own goals has a huge impact on our husbands and children, not only because more often than not our goals affect our families…but because we teach so much louder with our actions than our words.

In this episode we want to talk about inviting our people into our goals. The why and the how…

Today’s Sponsor (01:00)

But first, a quick word from our sponsor...today's sponsor is US.

For months we've been working tirelessly to bring the mommas in our community a resource that would take them from survival mode to intentional motherhood. And you guys...we finished it! It's the Deliberate Start, and  it's fire y'all. It's a digital resource that will be the heart of change for you and your motherhood. Where you leave behind survival mode, feelings of not enough, resentment, despair, or just simply wandering through your days feeling stuck. You'll become the agent of change for the who you want to become.

You can find the link for it in the show notes, in our IG bio, and on our website.

Goals (01:45)

Our goals take us from where we are now to where we want to be…and if you’re not a goal achiever yet, stay with us, because goals encompass much more than you may realize.

We’re all on a journey and some of us are letting our motherhood happen TO us and some of us are allowing our motherhood to happen FOR us. I don’t believe there is a mother out there who isn’t striving for something…to stop yelling, to be more present, to do better with the budget, to make healthier meals, to get back in shape, to find herself again, to read more, to date her husband again, to find a routine that actually works…

These are all goals. Our goals don’t have to be “a trip to Italy” or Disney for the whole family this year.

They can be as simple as “getting to school on time”.

When we choose to narrow our focus and put intentionality and energy into these things that we know we want or should be striving for, they can be life changing for us, and for our families.

Regardless of the simplicity or complexity of what you're striving for, inviting your people in gives you the best chance at success and this invitation has far reaching implications that you can’t even imagine yet.

We are a people of community and your family was designed by a God who loves you. He gave you these people for a reason. By inviting them in it changes your goals, what they mean to you, and how likely you are to succeed.

Why bring our people in? (03:23)

When we share our goals with others it affects us, our goals, and our people.

It affects us & our goals…

  • Inspires

  • Encourages

  • Support -- have you ever experienced a 3 year old encouraging you to pee in a public restroom...talk about a goal cheerleader!

  • Support from others if your inner circle isn't supportive

  • Or our beta group**

  • Grounds Us

  • Accountability

It also affects our people (our children, our spouses, our good friends, and even strangers)…

  • Inspires

  • We're drawn to beauty/light

  • Get them thinking of their own goals and dreams

  • Teaches

  • You're blazing a path

  • You become a guide for them

  • Encourages

  • Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm...progress begets progress...it's contagious!

  • Builds community

Bringing our People in (14:50)

First, go get your Deliberate Start, and while you're spending time filling it out look for places to invite your people in...

The personal and spiritual sections are a wonderful place to connect deeper with a good friend

The family sections are the perfect place to seek your spouse & children's input

The home and financial sections are a great place to answer questions with your spouse

If you're a homeschool momma, the homeschool sections are a beautiful place to connect with your children and let them invest in the answers and the direction.

Let them help in the decision process

  • *caveat* circle of trust – not FB

  • Get their insight on what is important to them...what you all want to say yes to...the culture you want to foster...

TELL THEM, Share it once you've decided on them! (Excitement of beginning)

  • Put quotations up

  • Put a list on the fridge

  • Talk about it with them

  • Get excited with them

  • Ask them about their goals OFTEN

Ask for support.

Invite them into the messy middle.

Ask for support in the way YOU need it.

Ask for wisdom (how to pivot - not getting as far, what do you see?) *knee deep in a goal that sucks

CELEBRATE with them!

  • Celebrate the tiny wins, the big wins, the medium wins...celebrate the whole way! *teaches our kids to do that...so powerful* 

Q&A (23:34)

What if you invite your people in and they don't support you/love you out of your goals?

  • Know your audience

  • Is this true discouragement or is it "love" and can you separate it/take it with a grain of salt?

  • Build healthy boundaries

  • Find new people

What if you invite your people in and they just don't care at all?

  • Not a bad thing – not discouraging or saying no

  • Opportunity to prove you're serious

  • Plant seeds

  • Encourage them in their goals

  • Find people who are going after the same goals and let them encourage you

  • Ask your people to help support you

What if you're worried you will just fail again and don't want to always be the flakey one?

  • Break it down to a stupid simple step (episode 71)

    • Tapping your running shoes

    • 30 seconds being present with your kid

    • Touch the bible

    • Auto-draft $1/week to savings/mortgage 

What if your goals require you to sacrifice time with your people?

  • This is where discernment comes in. Taking an honest look at your goal and whether or not it fits within....you guessed it...your capacity and this season of your motherhood.

  • Sometimes it's also okay for us to use our kids to see us working on something.

What if your kids get disappointed when a goal doesn't pan out?

  • Disappointment is a part of life, and while it's hard, it's so important for our kids to experience this AND what a gift that we can be a rock for them in this hard feeling.  

Mom Wins (40:19)

Speaking of goals and inviting your people in, we have some mommas who sent in some beautiful wins and we want to share them with you...because you're our people too

Recap (44:55)

When we share our goals if affects us, our goals, AND our people

Sharing our goal with our people inspires, encourages, grounds, and gives us accountability

When we share our goals with our people they can be inspired, taught, and encouraged

It also builds community and relationships.

We can begin by getting the Deliberate Start and bringing our people in AND asking them the good questions too.

Invite them into the decision making process

Sharing our goals with them

Asking them for support

Celebrating with them!

Invitation (45:28)

Hey, we want to get the Deliberate Start into your hands....we know that when moms are supported, encouraged, and inspired, they're not living in survival mode. This is why we would love for you to join our beta group and test this amazing resource made specifically for moms.

We're offering a coupon code to drop the price from $69 to just $9 for the full Deliberate Start Guide, as well as thoughtful feedback and a month of weekly meet-ups to support you.

That coupon code is BETA23 that's B-e-t-a-2-3

You are doing beautiful work momma.


Episode 74: Supporting Our Stars with Karyn Macfarlane


Episode 72: Big Families + Business-SO Hard, yet SO Beautiful