Homeschool Clipboard Templates


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What is the clipboard system?

The clipboard system is a one-page, 9-piece grid (completely customizable) template that encourages independence, self-motivation, and clarity for your children in their homeschooling or chores (freeing up much-needed time & mental space for YOU)!

How do I get started?

Get your Homeschool Clipboard System guide (and pre-made templates) in our shop, or create your own version with as many or as few tasks as you want (you don’t even have to fill the whole thing!), then print and start!

Is there a particular age this system works well for?

These clipboards have been used successfully from ages 2 to 16. They work great for younger children who don’t read yet (because of the visual nature), but they can also be used by older children as well!

Is the clipboard system the same as the spiral notebooks?

Actually…yes! The clipboard system is simply the visual representation of the spiral notebook system and works great for any age, but especially any pre-readers.

What benefits have you seen using it?

Many! First, it has stood the test of time even for our big family. Most ‘new’ systems fall flat after the first 3 - 7 days, but not this one.
Second, it has encouraged so much self-motivation and independence which that freed up MY time and mental space (the most precious resources any momma has). Third, it’s so easy to make the little tweaks and changes…just toss one sheet of paper and print a new one.
Fourth, it’s very visual so even non-readers have great luck with this. Finally, and this is a big one, it forced me to prioritize and keep things simple so no one gets overwhelmed.

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