Episode 70: Where Goals and Motherhood Meet-Battling Discouragement with a 30-Day Assessment


What You’ll Learn

  • 30-Day Motherhood Assessment (01:40)

  • You are here (01:51)

  • Where you met resistance (03:15)

  • What went well (05:42)

  • How did I pause or cope (08:37)

  • What I said yes/no to that was good/bad (10:10)

  • My wins (16:00)

  • Resources I loved or enjoyed (22:40)

  • What I learned (24:20)

  • The ONE thing I want to prioritize in the next 30-days (27:40)

  • Recap (29:50)

  • Mom Wins (30:50)

  • Invitation (33:50)

If you're doing this whole motherhood thing and it feels hard...

If it feels like you can't catch a break, or you just aren't enough...

We're here to speak to that truth today...

Because motherhood IS hard.

The spirits of discouragement, fear, and comparison are alive and well in this journey

Because when we're seeing all the highlights it's so easy to feel alone.


You aren't alone.

And We're all feeling it.

We just can't allow ourselves to live there. For us or for our people.

There is hope though, there are mommas who are fighting these same demons and winning.

It isn't impossible, even if it feels like it is.

Momma, the goals you go after, the little battles you fight every day...they are changing lives!

(truly they are)

And IF you take the time to assess what you've been living, you're going to learn the lessons that have been available to you the WHOLE time...

Which is why, today we'll be walking you through the 30-day motherhood assessment that's included in the Deliberate Start Guide.

30-Day Motherhood Assessment (01:40)

You are here...(01:51)

    • Acknowledge where you are (emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally)

    • What is costing you your peace?

Where you met resistance…(03:15)

    • Ages/stages of children

    • Not having help

    • Transitions

    • Routines/Daily Rhythms

    • Schedules

    • Relationships

    • Spouse support

    • Finances

    • Faith

What went well…(05:42)

    • Ages/stages of children

    • Not having help

    • Transitions

    • Routines/Daily Rhythms

    • Schedules

    • Relationships

    • Spouse support

    • Finances

    • Faith

How did I pause or cope…(08:37)

    • Breath work

    • Prayer/Meditation

    • 5 Senses Check-in

    • Oils/Smells

    • Exercising

    • Creative endeavors

    • Adequate Rest

    • Community

    • Daily break (coffee, nap, bathroom)

What I said yes/no to that was good/bad…(10:10)

    • Ages/stages of children

    • Not having help

    • Transitions

    • Routines/Daily Rhythms

    • Schedules

    • Relationships

    • Spouse support

    • Finances

    • Faith

My wins…(16:00)

    • What is a win?

    • What qualifies as a win?

    • Why does it matter to celebrate them?

Resources I loved or enjoyed…(22:40)

    • Podcasts

    • Books

    • Moms friends/gurus/influencers/therapists/parenting experts

    • Websites

    • Pinterest

    • Social accounts/tv/movies

What I learned…(24:20)

    • What is learning, and where does it happen?

    • Experiences

    • Student of yourself/your kids/your husband

The ONE thing I want to prioritize in the next 30 days…(27:40)

    • If you prioritize everything...you prioritize nothing

    • Why going forward:

    • This isn't the rosetta stone–YOU CAN CHANGE IT at any time 

RECAP (29:50)

Motherhood is hard

It isn't just you...it's really hard.

BUT, you aren't alone.

AND you are changing lives...and that's no exaggeration

We need to stop and look back, and ask yourself…

  • Where am I

  • Where did I meet resistance?

  • What went well?

  • How did I practice healthy coping techniques?

  • What did I say yes or no to? And did that bring peace or friction?

  • What were my wins?

  • What resources did I enjoy or love?

  • What did I learn?

  • What is the one thing I need to prioritize or focus on moving forward?

Motherhood is FULL of lessons if we take the time to learn them by just simply taking a beat to reflect on them. Because knowledge isn't power unless you use it (Jim Kwik).

Mom Wins (30:50)

Invitation (33:50)

Come back and do this assessment each month...DO IT momma...it really will change your motherhood. It's here FOR you and it's free because it's our mission to serve mommas.

We believe that an empowered, encouraged and equipped mother will change her family.

And if you would rather have it in an easy to use and pretty to look at format you can print again and again, go get our Deliberate Start Guide.

It's a life and goal planning guide that capitalizes on the power of reflection (that we've been talking about all week), the excitement of new beginnings, and the power of strategic goal planning that was created specifically with the challenges of motherhood in mind.

The 30 day Motherhood assessment page can be found at the end.

If you are still on the fence and want a sneak peak of what to expect inside the guide, send us the words sneak peek in our IG message or via email at Brittany@thedeliberateday.org and we'll share the link to download it.


Episode 71: Healing your Relationship with Yourself-Speaking Truth, Managing Thoughts, and Keeping Promises


Episode 69: Where Goals and Motherhood Meet-Dealing with Discouragement in our Weeks