Episode 128: Doing Goals Differently


What You’ll Learn

  • Goals & Temperaments (00:45)

  • A Different Approach to Goal Setting (05:05)

  • Themes (14:55)

  • Goals (18:00)

We thought it might be fun to share our goals with you in this episode, mostly because we’re curious about what YOUR goals are!

The Deliberate Day 12-Week Planner is on sale in the shop! If you follow us on Instagram THIS is the planner you see almost every day in stories, and Brittany has used it every, single day for over five years now!

It is what she uses to get ahead …it gives her clarity and focus, and honestly, a massive amount of peace. There are SO many people, things, and thoughts…when Brittany can look at these things in the morning and list the MOST important, it sets her up for success.

Each evening, she looks back at the day, sees where she was successful, where she struggled, and what needs to be changed for tomorrow.

If this sounds like something YOU need right now, head to The Deliberate Day and put the 12-Week Planner into your cart and use the code PODCASTMOM to get 20% off!

Goals & Temperaments (00:45)

We approach things VERY differently temperament-wise. Brittany is Choleric and Melancholic, and I am Sanguine and Phlegmatic (the EXACT opposite). We’d love to know what YOU are! Find out HERE from our dear friend Kylie Hein. When you do the quiz and find out your temperament…tell us either by sending a quick email to brittany@thedeliberateday.org OR catch us on Instagram in the DMs!

A Different Approach to Goal Setting (05:05)

Sterling Jaquith recently mentioned ‘Goal Trauma’ and we agree it’s a REAL thing! That’s why Brittany broke her yearly goals down from yearly, to quarterly, to 30-days (and actually not 30-days in a row). Her strategy is more about 30 ACTUAL days (because as moms, we KNOW, life changes minute-to-minute.

For me, I wrote my goals down! Last year I don’t even know that I made my own goals, and if I did, I did not write them down. So, this year, I’m doing the 30-day goal planning, and in a recent podcast I heard from Jon Acuff, he said, “The more often you touch a goal, the smarter it gets.” I plan on touching my goal daily if possible. Each day I will choose my priorities by looking at and writing down my goals.

However you approach goals…make sure it works for YOU! Do you love streaks (in-a-row)?

Each day, Brittany looks at the beautiful 30-day pages she created (and adds a sticker). Some of her goals are larger finish-lines (and they don’t need to be looked at every day). Seeing her goals on her papers each day is better than writing them down for her. She is also good at keeping her goals in the back of her mind (without forgetting them).

We have BOTH planned quarterly and in 30-day increments because yearly goal planning is unrealistic because who knows what will work in a few months!

Themes (14:55)

This year, Brittany & Brandon took themes instead of specific goals (this is a test, and it may change). They are…

  1. Feeling good in their bodies.

  2. Growth & visibility for The Deliberate Day.

  3. Their relationship with God.

  4. Blessing their home.

  5. Family growth and relationships.

  6. Homeschooling.

  7. Financial intentionality.

My themes are a bit different, and actually BOTH of us aren’t working on all our themes at the same time. My themes are…

  1. Raising adults.

  2. Health & holiness.

  3. Work & learning.

  4. Thanksgiving 2040.

  5. Home spaces & habits.

  6. Community.

It’s worth mentioning that both Brittany & I are trying this out for 2024.

Goals (18:00)

Growth & Visibility for The Deliberate Day is a goal that Brittany and I planned together. This is a big thing for both of us, because we have such a heart for moms. We want to reach out and literally take the hand of the moms who are right where we were just a few years ago. Even though we’re more connected digitally than ever, it’s easier than ever to feel alone in this day and age. So whatever we can do to support moms in creating good systems, having life goals, understanding their capacity, and changing their mindset…that is the mission we have on our hearts.

For this first quarter, we had a big goal of starting an LLC (we’re official), we plan on getting a bank account, and we just met with a bookkeeper! (If you need one, check out Virginia Braun and tell her we sent you!). We’re working on all the behind the scenes things that keep a business going!

Next, we had the Quitter’s Challenge! If you missed out, it was AMAZING! If you’d like us to bring it back, please email us (brittany@thedeliberateday.org) or DM us on Instagram!

Finally, we’ve really leaned into collaborations on the Podcast portion of our business. Some of the MOST fun we’ve had this year already has been our conversations with women like Sterling Jaquith, and we feel SO blessed to share them with YOU! We’re finding people who have lived similar lives to our listeners (and us), and have emerged with skills that will help ALL of us (yes, Brittany & I too!)!

We haven’t gone much farther than these, because we’re adding new goals as the others drop off. The balance of business and life (we’re both wives, homeschool moms, business owners, and have responsibilities) is something that’s constant for us!

For my next goal, I picked Health & Holiness (I LOVE alliteration). I will be leading into Lent with prayer and fasting, and fixing the problem of not liking fish. SO, on days where we don’t eat meat as Catholics, I will be doing 24-hour fasts. As far as prayer goes, I will be adding the Bible in a Year back in, in English & Spanish, 3 days a week.

Brittany’s first goal (for the entire family) is to feel good in their bodies. They chose sleep as a focus (because it affects EVERYTHING). They will have a strict lights out time of 10:30 on weekdays and 11:30 on weekends (which is a beautiful printable that Brittany adds a sticker to each time they go to sleep on time). WHEN they accomplish 30-days, they’ll reward themselves with a trip to the beautiful Farmer’s market in Pensacola.

Side note…Brittany has included rewards and that’s a GOOD thing! If rewards motivate you…make sure to include them too!

Let’s talk about prioritizing a relationship with God (as a goal). Brittany’s family wanted to focus on the children’s and their family’s relationship with God. They have instituted a family Examen (In the dark! A brilliant idea by her husband!). They begin by asking for their hearts to be open to God’s presence, and their minds to be with God and open, kind, loving, and vulnerable. Then everyone shares a moment they’re grateful for, as well as a place they felt deeply loved. Next, everyone says sorry to God for something that happened during the day…a time when they didn’t show up as the best version of themselves. This has been an excellent conversation starter and is paying off BIG in the family. Also, it’s worth mentioning that this doesn’t always happen every night…but it is a priority most nights. The reward here is an activity as a family…everyone submitted an idea into a jar (some kids had to be reminded that it can’t cost more than $20-$50), and when they make 30 days they’ll take an idea out of the jar. Brittany and Brandon have a separate goal of praying together each night before bed as well.

This year’s homeschool goal is in the theme of Raising Adults, and it is to honor our homeschool. I tend to get shiny object syndrome, and move from thing-to-thing-to-thing. I have prayed for many years for my kids to be in social situations (this is different than socialization), and prioritizing math and languages.

Brittany’s homeschooling goal is to stay consistent with her spiral notebooks, and her husband wants to start having a family fun day every other Monday. Every month, their family will do something fun (sometimes planned, sometimes spontaneous). Because, these kids are all growing up…as they should! Brittany’s son is also going to be looking into college (this is available to high school students in Florida).

My second goal for raising adults is the Noble Pre-Launch (he’s my high school senior). This is really just a list of paperwork I need to get filled out (FAFSA, Florida Student Financial Aid Forms, etc.) so he’s able to apply to and attend college in the fall.

This is where we’re going to take a pause, and we’ll be back next week!

Before you go…send us a DM with a takeaway from this podcast!

Also…leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform! These help us get our message out to more moms!

And never forget…

YOU are doing beautiful work momma!


Episode 129: Doing Goals Differently…Continued


Episode 127: Systems that Alleviate Stress with Sterling Jaquith