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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 121: Be a Duplicatable Leader with Tessa from Build A Country Home

The season of Advent is almost here…a time of waiting and expectation for Christ's birth. This *should be a time of peace and togetherness in our homes, but in reality…

Sometimes it's just not.

Sometimes we overload our calendars, rush from thing to thing, and by the time Christmas arrives, we're exhausted, our kids have lost their minds, and our homes are a disaster.

Not this year, sweet mommas. Not. This. Year.

Today we have Tessa from Build a Country Home. She is a homeschooling mom of 6 and her family owns a dairy farm in southern Alberta. She is deeply connected with the unique struggles of life in regards to motherhood and has built a business by helping women create harmony, order, and cooperation within their home and family so that they have energy and the mental fortitude to do all the things that God has asked of them...especially during the holiday seasons!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 120: Refilling Your Cup During the Holidays with Maria Serbus

The holidays are upon us...and you know that means …behind all the memories, all the special moments, all the sweet treats, all the parties, and meals, and decorations, and thoughtful giving...are some pretty phenomenal, but more than likely, exhausted mommas.

My fellow high-achieving know who you are.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 119: A Better Way to $pend the Holidays with Amanda Teixeira of Wallet Win

The holidays are upon us and they are filled with good and right celebration! But it can be really difficult to honor our finances during a time of so much GOOD or if we are honoring our finances...not to do so without creating a scarcity mindset.

To set us on the right path is Amanda Texiera! She is the co-founders and co-owner of Wallet Win with her husband. Their mission is to help Catholics find financial freedom by eliminating debt, building savings, and changing the world through generosity. They are also the creators and hosts of their very own Podcast, the Catholic Money Show!

Amanda Texiera welcome!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 118: You’re Arguing With Your Reality With Catherine Johnson

We’re coming back after a long series on miscarriage, and originally we wanted to release this interview in a different month, but after the interview with Catherine Johnson, we KNEW that it actually belonged right here, between our discussion on loss and our discussion coming up on welcoming the holiday season.

As beautiful as the holidays are, they can also bring a slew of many other emotions that are LESS enjoyable…overwhelm, resentment, anger, bitterness…because when we get overwhelmed we can feel like EVERYTHING depends on us!

These emotions can come out in all kinds of different ways, and they can waterfall into our families. Especially during times of high stress…like the holidays.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 117: Hope and Healing After Loss with Kelly Sakmar

We've invited Kelly Sakmar to share her own story of infant loss and to share with us how to find healing after this devastation, as well as tools for dealing with PTSD, and ways we can reach out to fellow mommas we know who may experience this.

Kelly is the mother of 4 and owner of clutterLESS, she lives in Pensylvannia with her husband. She is a beautiful example of life after loss and we are so delighted to share her with you today!

Please welcome Kelly Sakmar!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 116: Finding Hope Again After Miscarriage with Kylie Hein

It’s no secret that miscarriages shake our foundations to the very core. This month has been all about miscarriages…our personal stories and journeys and how they whisper deep seeded sorrows of loss, confusion, and even anger into the corners of our hearts. Often leaving us feeling lost, misunderstood, and alone. But that isn’t the end of the story, and just as Emily spoke a little hope and healing into our hearts last week…we have a beautiful guest with us today to speak even more hope into those heavy hearts.

Kylie is a Catholic Mindset Coach with a mission to bring souls back to Christ through prayer…and boy do we need to be brought back…even kicking and screaming and crying…after a miscarriage. She works to connect women with prayer and trust again. She resides in Nebraska with her two children and husband, Russell and loves the blessings their small town offers them.

Please welcome Kylie Hein!

This one is fire ♥.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 115: How Can We Suffer Differently-Talking Miscarriage with Emily Adams

Our guest today is has a special heart for mommas experiencing a baby loss that surely stems from her own experience with 6 precious little souls now in heaven, but also from ever so much grace that has been poured out to give her the strength to overcome her own losses and use them as fuel to comfort and guide those who might be holding that same weight on their hearts.

Please welcome Emily Adams!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 114: Miscarriage…the Quiet Hurt

Some wounds are so deep and so personal that we don’t talk about them... even with our closest friends. Miscarriage can fall into that category, but sweet mommas, it shouldn’t.  So it’s in that spirit, we’ve decided to begin the conversation of pregnancy and infant loss month with our own experiences of pregnancy loss...and we go deep. Come go deep with us.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 113: On Purpose, for a Purpose with Jessica Castillo

Welcome back to the Just A Mom series...Of course no mom is JUST a mom and we're proving that by sharing the seemingly ordinary stories of mommas in our community and shedding light on the beauty and lessons they have to offer.

Because seriously...there is so much beauty in our contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters ...and we all know it rarely gets attention or credit, because as we've been quoting Laurel Thatcher Ulrich these past few episodes... well-behaved women seldom make history. So let's change that!

Imagine waking up after 7 hours of glorious sleep (ok…maybe it was interrupted a few times by children-let's be realistic), clear on what your purpose is, AND you have plenty of energy to tackle every task the day throws your way… if this sounds like a fantasy...keep listening!

Today's guest is a momma, a Catholic personal development and certified health coach and she's made it her personal mission to remind us that we're made "on purpose and for a purpose". She works directly with Catholic Mommas in all walks of life and teaches them how to maximize their energy, productivity, and focus so they can thrive in their vocations.

Today we have Jessica Castillo! You can find more of Jessica…

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 112: The Fourth Trimester

The fourth's the one no one talks enough about...

It's starts when then baby is born and goes for 12 weeks after.

Our lives change in a huge way when we have a baby...and not just the first one. But every single new baby brings about a new transition into a new and unknown motherhood.

New is defined by Google as: not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time OR already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.

Unless you've had this exact pregnancy, delivery, and baby before we are new moms each and every time we bring a new baby into the world. Not to mention bringing home baby #2...5...or 8 to a home filled with 1....4....or 7 kids already makes this a brand new transition to a brand new motherhood.

Our bodies have undergone immense change over months and an even more immense change in more than likely a much briefer amount of time and most of us feel the longing to have our body back immediately.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 111: If You’ve Ever Peed Yourself…with Dr. Angela Turnow

We're back with our "Just a Mom series" and this month we're tackling all things postpartum!

Have you ever laughed and peed yourself even just a little or had a c-section only for them to send you home with basically just a high five and a "listen to your body", or you noticed your insides up in the nether regions aren't quite where they should be anymore, or sex just isn't what it once was … if so, you're going to love our guest today as much as we did, when we met her.

Today we've got Angela Turnow, orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapist and soon to be momma of 3…in addition to all her titles and experience working with fellow mommas, she's also overcome her own struggles with pelvic floor issues and the mindset struggles that come from adjusting to our new bodies post-pregnancy.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 110: The Proper Care & Feeding of a ‘New’ Mom

This episode isn't just about how to support a post-partum momma coming home with her first brand new baby...but our seasoned momma friends too...who need support too, even if they look like they have it all figured out! Maybe especially if they look like they have it all figured out...because none of us do. And ALLL of us could benefit from being cared for in special ways.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 109: SHARE-ing Homeschool

Let’s face it, we LOVE Homeschooling, but it can be a lonely journey! Depending on your location and your tribe, you may wake up one day to realize that you've spent the last 3 years in your house and not one of your children owns a "real" pair of pants (except their church pair of course). If this is you…no shame!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 108: Homeschooling…Real Talk from the Trenches

We've talked about our 'why's' and the benefits we've seen in our own families, so we thought it would only be appropriate to speak to the harder parts of homeschooling. So, if you're considering it, you don't feel blindsided, and if you're already doing it, you don't feel alone.

Because, like parenting, homeschooling isn't for the weak of heart, but just like parenting it will strengthen your heart along the way.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 107: Every Moment is a Teachable Moment — Wisdom and Stories from Seasoned Homeschool Moms

If you've ever wanted to pick the brain of a homeschool mom who's been there and DONE that...boy do we have a podcast for you!

We gathered up some homeschool mommas with years and years of experience! And not JUST in homeschooling...but two were also previous teachers. All three of these beautiful mommas have six kids or more so the stories and advice you're going to hear will be seasoned, honest, and encouraging. They have graciously agreed to answer our questions and give their thoughts about traditional school, homeschool, and everything in between.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 106: Never Say Never…How We Came to Homeschooling

Welcome back to the Deliberate Day Podcast...we're your hosts, Brittany & Tiffany and today is OUR why for homeschooling. 

There are as many different reasons to homeschool as there are options for curriculum and your reasons will even change over time...because homeschooling is a journey WITH your kids and you are ALL growing through it.

We also want to add a caveat that we don't believe everyone should be homeschooled. We do feel strongly about it for our families (as you will be hearing), but we also recognize that homeschooling is a very personal decision based on your unique family and situation and we fully understand that it IS a privilege to homeschool.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 105: Homeschooling? Start Here.

I would like to make a very bold statement...there are many reasons that you can't homeschool but you being NOT one of them. It is a lie and it's NOT. TRUE.

This is one of the most common things we hear that makes our hearts just ache. Momma, you've heard us say it before, but YOU are the best momma for your children, and that include their education.

We're shaking things up a bit today and we've asked a sweet momma on the podcast that is brand new to her own personal homeschooling journey.

We invited her to bring all her questions and inhibitions in hopes that it might speak to other mommas who are on the fence and are just looking for some more information or support.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 104: Our Favorite Children’s Books

Children's books hold a special place in our hearts!  Both of us read to our kids daily, and over the years we've collected more than a few favorite titles!  Would you like the list?  Get it here!Finally...remember sweet are doing beautiful work!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 103: Our Favorite Momma Reads

Just like podcasts, we are serious about reading! Today's episode is a list of our favorite momma books...the ones we read for ourselves! If you'd like the list of links, click here!

Remember sweet're doing beautiful work!

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