Episode 113: On Purpose, for a Purpose with Jessica Castillo


Welcome back to the Just A Mom series...Of course no mom is JUST a mom and we're proving that by sharing the seemingly ordinary stories of mommas in our community and shedding light on the beauty and lessons they have to offer.

Because seriously...there is so much beauty in our contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters ...and we all know it rarely gets attention or credit, because as we've been quoting Laurel Thatcher Ulrich these past few episodes... well-behaved women seldom make history. So let's change that!

Imagine waking up after 7 hours of glorious sleep (ok…maybe it was interrupted a few times by children-let's be realistic), clear on what your purpose is, AND you have plenty of energy to tackle every task the day throws your way… if this sounds like a fantasy...keep listening!

Today's guest is a momma, a Catholic personal development and certified health coach and she's made it her personal mission to remind us that we're made "on purpose and for a purpose". She works directly with Catholic Mommas in all walks of life and teaches them how to maximize their energy, productivity, and focus so they can thrive in their vocations.

Today we have Jessica Castillo! You can find more of Jessica…



Facebook…A Thriving Catholic

Hack Your Cycle (A Free Guide)

Takeaways (49:13)

  1. We need to be compassionate with ourselves.

  2. It’s easy to believe that our circumstances are the root of ALL of our problems.

  3. Turning to things that sabotage us, and in the end make things harder for us, is not the answer.

  4. Naming our enemy, like depression or anxiety, can be a very powerful step in our journey.

  5. Putting a stop to our addiction (whatever it may be) and replacing it with a true good is step #1!

  6. The devil delights in us buffering and feeling stuck, but we were created on purpose and for a purpose.

  7. When we leave the depths of despair, it’s then that we can look at these big picture things, like what purpose we were created for.

  8. Community is SO important! Reach out to your fellow mommas and check in with them! It will go so much farther than you will realize, and if you’re nervous about doing that, call on the Holy Spirit to guide you because He will come through!

Finally mommas, you are doing beautiful work!


Episode 114: Miscarriage…the Quiet Hurt


Episode 112: The Fourth Trimester