Episode 120: Refilling Your Cup During the Holidays with Maria Serbus


What You’ll Learn

  • Maria’s Story (02:48)

  • Somatic Techniques (05:00)

  • The Holiday Season (07:00)

  • Unmanaged Stress (09:10)

  • Techniques (12:10)

  • Being Proactive (20:05)

  • Entering the Holidays (26:00)

  • Gratitude (29:15)

  • Rapid Fire Questions (30:15)

The holidays are upon us...and you know that means …behind all the memories, all the special moments, all the sweet treats, all the parties, and meals, and decorations, and thoughtful giving...are some pretty phenomenal, but more than likely, exhausted mommas.

My fellow high-achieving mommas...you know who you are.

I’ve got something that’s going to make your day! It’s our Holiday Planner, and it’s designed with mommas in mind.

It contains all kinds of areas for holiday planning…all in one spot. It organizes your days…feasts, Christmas cards, gift giving, making wish lists for your family, and so. much. more.

36 pages of amazing organization, and mommas, it’s beautiful to boot!

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed this year, or you’re not looking forward to the stress of the holidays, go check it out!

Our guest today is actually a high-achieving momma herself and business owner as a resilience & embodiment coach for high-achieving women.  She holds a Masters in Occupational Therapy and works with overthinking, ambitious women who need to get outta their head and take it to the next level.

She helps her clients find more ease, clarity, and confidence in their life and career using somatic techniques. Tiff and I met her at a MasterMoms Talk where she was the speaker, and after getting a taste of her beautiful personality and calming nature, we knew she was the perfect momma to ask about techniques for battling holiday overwhelm and stress.

Welcome Maria Serbus!

Maria’s Story (02:48)

Oftentimes, many of us can help support people through journeys when we, ourselves, have been on that journey. Maria’s mother was a nurse, and she knew she wanted to help people somehow, which led her to a career in Occupational Therapy…but in all the helping she was doing, she realized she wasn’t good at using her own self-care tools.

Maria became VERY passionate about helping women who were in the healthcare industry and other high stress jobs (like being a stay-at-home mom), and providing them guidance and coaching.

Somatic Techniques (05:00)

Somatic techniques, somatic therapy, embodiment, and mind-body practices are all referring to the same thing…learning how your mind connects to your body and helping to restore that connection. This can look like yoga, breathing in essential oils, even stretching.

The Holiday Season (07:00)

There are many GOOD things that come along with the holidays, but there is also a longer checklist, and another layer of stress. Maria suggests that instead of going on autopilot, make sure you’re practicing self-awareness and self-care. Practice more self-compassion and lean into the tools and practices for self-care that you’ve already got in your toolbox.

Especially the season of “giving,” so of course our mind is on “other,” but I would say, don’t forget to extend that same compassion we extend to others…to yourself.

Unmanaged Stress (09:10)

Maria has one beautiful son, and she knows how kids’ little bodies and systems are constantly absorbing everything (even our overflowing emotions), so she reminds us that self-awareness is very important…especially in busy and overwhelming seasons.

As women, we need to know we aren’t going to get it right all the time, but we DO get that next moment to reset, redo, and pause. It’s tempting to take that all-or-nothing stance, but in the end it isn’t helpful to us…or to our families.

Techniques (12:10)

For women, we have ALL the excuses when it comes to self-care. Very small practices CAN be helpful! You don’t necessarily have to go to a yoga class, or book a massage…there are tools you can use right now.

Maria is certified from the HeartMath Institute in using HeartMath biofeedback. Anyone can go to the HeartMath Institute and look at the research about how the heart helps quite literally EVERYTHING else.

The technique called “Heart Focused Breathing” works when you pause, start breathing, and visualize your heart with breath flowing in and out. This can help shift the body into a more balanced physiological state…in the space of 30 seconds!

Maria also uses the last 30 seconds of her morning shower to reset her system with cold water. Keep in mind, the farther north you are, the colder your shower will be!

Humming! Humming stimulates our vagus nerve and decreases our stress response…another simple and quick tool that can be used almost anywhere AND incorporated with your kids!

You might be tempted to doubt how well these practices can work, but just know…they have a cumulative effect! The more you do these things, the less you will need them too!

As a bonus, modeling these things for our kids will teach them—by example—to self-regulate too!

Being Proactive (20:05)

Maria coaches her clients to reach for these tools even when they DON’T need them. Breathe, dance, do yoga…make it a habit!

As parents, when we teach these tools to our kids, we’re making GENERATIONAL changes!

Part of this is also having self-awareness…knowing your own capacity and setting healthy boundaries. Another fantastic thing is surrounding yourself with safe people who are respectful of those boundaries.

Entering the Holidays (26:00)

For those of us who get overwhelmed by large crowds, make sure to do a pulse check on yourself and your environment. Keep tabs on how you’re interacting with the people in the spaces you’re in.

Peopling can really tax us, especially when our familial relationships are more emotionally taxing. We don’t need to cut these people out, but we do need to manage our own energy when we are around these people.

Gratitude (29:15)

There is an energy boost and rejuvenation that comes along with gratitude! Shifting into feelings of thankfulness and gratefulness can protect our hearts and our capacities.

Rapid Fire Questions (30:15)

  1. Maria’s mom superpower is learning, and she especially loves learning with her son Hank.

  2. If Maria could go back to any stage of motherhood, she’d go back to the first months and extend herself some compassion and tell her to get some sleep and soak up the snuggles.

  3. The three things that Maria’s great at are learning, speaking, and singing with abandon!

  4. Maria’s family is special because of the beautiful blend of culture they have.

More from Maria (33:30)

Maria is most active on Instagram

Connect with Maria HERE

Get Maria's Beyond the Mind Workbook

Check out the Unleash Your Potential with Maria Podcast

Don’t forget sweet momma…you are doing beautiful work.

One of the BEST ways to practice compassion for yourself is to approach the Holidays well organized. The Deliberate Day Holiday Planner will help you do just that! You’ll write down what’s MOST important to you, be inspired by gift and celebration ideas, click-and-go resources, checklists, life-notes pages, and more!


Episode 121: Be a Duplicatable Leader with Tessa from Build A Country Home


Episode 119: A Better Way to $pend the Holidays with Amanda Teixeira of Wallet Win