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Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day

Episode 146: Bring Peace to Your Table with Kelly Shoup

Momma…you don't have to do it ALL on your own. 

In fact…inviting your kids into the kitchen (if this fits within your capacity) has MORE benefits than you might have imagined (the eventual cooking that will be done by NOT you is only one of a very long list!)

We want to talk about not only those benefits...but HOW to actually get there and with us today to do that is...

Licensed occupational therapist, with over 20 years of experience working with kids ages 3-8 AND more than 17 years in the trenches parenting her OWN children. 

She has a LONG track record of success supporting parents and their children because she meets parents where they ARE and gives them real help to gain clarity over their challenges and foster better connections with their kids

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Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day

Episode 145: Raising Adults through Chores

What if your home could (largely) run without you?

What if your children (both younger and older) knew how to pick up after themselves (and were part of the team that picked up after the family as a whole)?

What if the necessary tasks of running a household were completed quicker and there was more time for FUN for everyone in the family?

Regardless of how you feel about chores, there is an abundance of research out there proving they CAN be a positive thing (think LESS Cinderella and MORE Cheaper by the Dozen)…

There are a MILLION ways to implement a chore system, but it IS a system, which means Brittany has one and she's been improving it every month for a LONG time.

We're so happy to have our fellow momma of many and delightfully inquisitive friend Renee Amato with us to answer some common questions about setting up and running a chore system.

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Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day

Episode 144: Celebrating the Everyday with Steffani Aquila

Our guest today is all about elevating daily life with liturgical living practices in small manageable bites...and for our mommas of many...small and manageable is music to our ears!

She's a beautiful Catholic wife, educator, theologian, event planner, and trained ballet dancer. She specializes in the study and application of liturgical living, culture, tradition, & festivity.

After growing up in a family full of seasonal experiences, she married into a big Catholic family that was overflowing with liturgical tradition and fell in love with sharing it with others.

If the liturgy is for everyone, then a liturgical life is too.

So this begs the question...what ARE liturgical living practices? What does it look like to live a liturgical life?!

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Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day

Episode 143: I Never Wanted to Homeschool with Emily Brown

We have the absolute blessing of chatting with a Catholic Homeschooling and Certified life coach (who ALSO has an excellent podcast named Happy, Holy Mama).

She's got 7 stellar kids (all homeschooled), she's a wife of 17 years, AND she's devoted her life to helping Catholic families fall in love with God through their relationships and homeschooling lifestyle.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 118: You’re Arguing With Your Reality With Catherine Johnson

We’re coming back after a long series on miscarriage, and originally we wanted to release this interview in a different month, but after the interview with Catherine Johnson, we KNEW that it actually belonged right here, between our discussion on loss and our discussion coming up on welcoming the holiday season.

As beautiful as the holidays are, they can also bring a slew of many other emotions that are LESS enjoyable…overwhelm, resentment, anger, bitterness…because when we get overwhelmed we can feel like EVERYTHING depends on us!

These emotions can come out in all kinds of different ways, and they can waterfall into our families. Especially during times of high stress…like the holidays.

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 41: Planning to Fail-Mindset

You’re going to fail! Momma, it’s a necessary part of learning. In today’s episode, the fifth of a five part series, we talk about how your meal planning mindset AND we give ideas for how to overcome those “failures”! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “bonus” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 30: Your Meal Planning Mindset

What is your meal planning mindset? Today’s episode begins with a great question. . .Were you ever actually taught how to meal plan? Listen in to see how this can affect your entire belief system (and ultimately any frustration you may have) around meal and menu planning! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and send her a DM with the word “meals” for your link to sign up for the “Meal Planning Made Easy” kit. While you’re doing all the things, hit subscribe and give us a rating too (5 is our favorite)!

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