Episode 30: Your Meal Planning Mindset


What You’ll Learn

  • Were you taught to meal plan? (01:04)

  • How can you expect to be great at something you were never taught (02:33)

  • Have you ever thought about what your meal planning story is? (03:22)

  • How is your story shaping your current beliefs around meal planning? (05:25)

  • Recap. (12:11)

  • Invitation. (12:38)

What is your meal planning mindset? Today’s episode begins with a great question. . .Were you ever actually taught how to meal plan? Listen in to see how this can affect your entire belief system (and ultimately any frustration you may have) around meal and menu planning! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and send her a DM with the word “meals” for your link to sign up for the “Meal Planning Made Easy” kit. While you’re doing all the things, hit subscribe and give us a rating too (5 is our favorite)!

Were you ever taught to meal plan? (01:04)

While Brittany had beautiful examples (her mom, aunts, and grandmother) of meal planning, she and her sisters were never actually taught how to meal plan. My own mother was a good cook (although, because I’m from Minnesota, we ate a lot of hot dishes) but meal planning was never actually mentioned in my house. We also did an informal survey of our friends, and we don’t know one mom who was actually taught to meal plan!

How can you expect to be great at something you were never taught? (02:33)

Hint: you can’t!

Unless you’ve taken the time to learn meal planning for yourself, and to change your family’s story, you may feel like a meal planning failure. This is NOT what we want for you!

Have you ever thought about what your meal planning story is? (3:22)

Maybe you grew up with wonderful examples of fantastic home cooks (like Brittany). This isn’t always the case. I had one grandma who was amazing, but she just. couldn’t. cook. So, think for a minute about what your meal planning history is.

If you grew up with a Pinterest Mom and you’ve taken it for granted that you also need to live up to those expectations, consider letting that go! This isn’t necessarily true! Maybe you married an excellent cook. . .you need to allow your spouse to utilize those skills too!

How is your story shaping your current beliefs around meal planning? (05:25)

What are your beliefs around meal planning and preparation? Are they true? Are they helpful?

As an example, I had such a HARD time allowing my husband to help me at home. He has always been willing, but it was MY beliefs that weren’t allowing me to accept his help! Y’all-sometimes we just need to get out of the way!

For Brittany, meal planning has been a wonderful way to invite the rest of the family to share in the “burden” of feeding ALL the people. Admittedly, there are times when it makes it more difficult, but over time their skills have grown in a beautiful way that makes it worth it!

Don’t forget to invite your husband in too! You’ve heard Brittany describe “dancing in the kitchen” with Brandon, and it is such a gift. While it doesn’t start at this level all the time—it did take them 16 years of practice—it will get there!

Keep inviting your people and praise their efforts as much as possible.

recap (12:11)

  1. Did anyone teach you how to meal plan?

  2. What is your meal planning story?

  3. How is your meal planning history shaping your mindset?

  4. How can you replace your meal planning beliefs with something that fits your family and season better?

Invitation (12:38)

Go to Instagram, follow @thedeliberateday, and send Brittany a DM with the word “meals” and she’ll give you a link to get the beautiful “Meal Planning Made Easy” kit she’s created!

Before you go, make sure to subscribe and give us a rating! Ratings help us to build a community where mothers feel seen, encouraged, and empowered!


Episode 31: Your Family’s Food ‘Whys’


Episode 29: Why Meal Planning Will Save Your Sanity!