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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 101: Our Favorite Recipes

Recipes are a BIG deal around here...especially since Brittany shares them each Wednesday and they had to be goooood to make our favorites list so you better believe these are going to be delicious!

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 78: Food Doesn’t Have to be So Difficult-Kelly Shoup on Picky Eaters

We've all been there…sitting at the dinner table with a toddler who is REFUSING to eat the food that you so lovingly purchased, cooked, and plated.

We've received so many questions about dealing with picky eaters.

Today, we've invited an occupational therapist on the podcast and we're talking about picky eating vs. sensory to know which camp your child falls in, and real tactics to put into place so meal times aren't such a battle.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 77: Cultivating a Rich Food Life for your Kids

We've all been there…sitting at the dinner table with a toddler who is REFUSING to eat the food that you so lovingly purchased, cooked, and plated.

We've received so many questions about dealing with picky eaters.

Today, we've invited an occupational therapist on the podcast and we're talking about picky eating vs. sensory to know which camp your child falls in, and real tactics to put into place so meal times aren't such a battle.

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 46: Meal Planning-List, Spend Intentionally & Save

This is part five of a five part series ALL about meal planning! Today we’ll be looking at making your list, spending intentionally, and saving! If you’re following us on Instagram @thedeliberateday, send us a DM with the word “bonus” and we’ll send you a link to our free mini meal planning kit which has a beautiful meal planning template in it that encourages you to put your schedule right on there, AND it’s an 8-day planner so you can work in that planning and shopping day!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 45: Meal Planning-Building Your Menu

This is part four of a five part series ALL about meal planning! Today we’ll be looking at building your menu. If you’re following us on Instagram @thedeliberateday, send us a DM with the word “bonus” and we’ll send you a link to our free mini meal planning kit which has a beautiful meal planning template in it that encourages you to put your schedule right on there, AND it’s an 8-day planner so you can work in that planning and shopping day!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 44: Meal Planning-Savvy Saving, Intentional Spending, and Reducing Food Waste

This is part three of a five part series ALL about meal planning! Today we’ll be looking at the best ways save money, spend intentionally and reduce food waste. If you’re following us on Instagram @thedeliberateday, send us a DM with the word “bonus” and we’ll send you a link to our free mini meal planning kit which has a beautiful meal planning template in it that encourages you to put your schedule right on there, AND it’s an 8-day planner so you can work in that planning and shopping day!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 43: Meal Planning-Your Schedule is the Secret Sauce

This is part two of a five part series ALL about meal planning! Today we’ll be talking about choosing your shopping and planning day(s). If you’re following us on Instagram @thedeliberateday, send us a DM with the word “bonus” and we’ll send you a link to our free mini meal planning kit which has a beautiful meal planning template in it that encourages you to put your schedule right on there, AND it’s an 8-day planner so you can work in that planning and shopping day!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 42: Meal Planning-How Often Should You Do It?

This is part one of a five part series ALL about meal planning! Today we’ll be talking about the different options for how often you can meal plan and shop. We discuss weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly meal planning, and address the pros and cons of each one. If you’re following us on Instagram @thedeliberateday, send us a DM with the word “quiz” and we’ll send you a link to a cute little quiz that we’ve come up with that can help you choose your meal planning frequency!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 41: Planning to Fail-Mindset

You’re going to fail! Momma, it’s a necessary part of learning. In today’s episode, the fifth of a five part series, we talk about how your meal planning mindset AND we give ideas for how to overcome those “failures”! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “bonus” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 40: Planning to Fail-When Life Derails You

You’re going to fail! Momma, it’s a necessary part of learning. In today’s episode, the fourth of a five part series, we talk about how you can fail when your best made plans are derailed AND we give ideas for how to overcome those “failures”! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “bonus” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 39: Planning to Fail-When Making the Meals Takes a Turn for the Worst

You’re going to fail! Momma, it’s a necessary part of learning. In today’s episode, the third of a five part series, we talk about how you can fail while making the meals AND we give ideas for how to overcome those “failures”! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “bonus” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 38: Planning to Fail-The Top 4 Shopping Fails and Fixes

You’re going to fail! It’s a necessary part of learning. In today’s episode, the second of a five part series, we talk about how you can fail while shopping AND we give ideas for how to overcome those “failures”! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “bonus” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 37: Planning to Fail-What to do When You Didn’t (Meal) Plan

You are going to fail! It’s a necessary part of learning. In today’s episode, the first of a five part series, we talk about how you can fail while planning AND we give ideas for how to overcome those “failures”! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “bonus” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 36: Food is Love-Family Favorites, Food Sharing, Feasting and Fasting

Food IS love! In today’s episode we talk about how we can use a “Family Favorites'“ list, building community by sharing meals with friends, and the beauty of religious feasts and fasts. When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “meals” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 35: Eating Well With Allergies

If you have a food allergy, life isn’t over! In fact, you can still enjoy delicious foods! In this episode we go through our favorite subs (and a few to stay away from). When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and join our upcoming Pantry Challenge by DM’ing her the word “challenge”!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 34: Kitchen Essentials

Would you consider your kitchen “Well stocked”? Have you put thought into your kitchen tools, making sure they work for you and your family? Today, Brittany & I talk about our 5 must-have kitchen essentials, and WHY we love them! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and tag her in a photo of YOUR favorite kitchen necessity!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 33: Money and Meal Planning

In this third episode of the three-part series, we’re talking about the MONEY portion of meal planning. We’ve talked about your ‘Why’, your ‘Time’, and today we’re talking about your MONEY. Consider which of the three categories you’re in, if that aligns with your values, and if not, think about how you can get to where you want to be! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and tag her in a photo of your COMPLETED weekly meal plan! If you don’t have The Deliberate Day Meal Planning Kit yet, send her a DM with the word “meals” and she’ll send you a link where you can get it!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 32: The Time-Money Paradox

The time/money paradox will GREATLY affect how you approach meal planning. . .listen in this week to learn how these two things (time and money) and their availability will influence how you feed your people. When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and tag her in a photo of your COMPLETED weekly meal plan! If you don’t have The Deliberate Day Meal Planning Kit yet, send her a DM with the word “meals” and she’ll send you a link where you can get it!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 31: Your Family’s Food ‘Whys’

What is the ‘why’ that guides how you feed your family?  It is SO important to plan with YOUR family, YOUR season, and YOUR life in mind (not anyone else’s).  Food values can (and should) vary greatly from family to family—and we are only limited by our creativity.  When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and send her a DM with the word “meals” for your link to  sign up for the “Meal Planning Made Easy” kit.

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 30: Your Meal Planning Mindset

What is your meal planning mindset? Today’s episode begins with a great question. . .Were you ever actually taught how to meal plan? Listen in to see how this can affect your entire belief system (and ultimately any frustration you may have) around meal and menu planning! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and send her a DM with the word “meals” for your link to sign up for the “Meal Planning Made Easy” kit. While you’re doing all the things, hit subscribe and give us a rating too (5 is our favorite)!

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