Episode 38: Planning to Fail-The Top 4 Shopping Fails and Fixes


What You’ll Learn

  • A Word on Failure (00:40)

  • When you didn’t get to the store (01:40)

  • When you didn’t make a good list (03:25)

  • When you didn’t find what you need at the store (05:05)

  • When you’ve gone over-budget (06:10)

  • Recap (07:50)

  • Invitation (08:20)

You’re going to fail! It’s a necessary part of learning. In today’s episode, the second of a five part series, we talk about how you can fail while shopping AND we give ideas for how to overcome those “failures”! When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and DM her the word “bonus” to get the Mini Meal Planning Kit!

A Word on Failure (00:40)

Welcome to Part 2 of the 5 part series on failing! It’s worth repeating, you ARE going to fail. . .but don’t let that stop you from trying! There are two halves to failure:

  1. Anticipating failure and getting ahead of it.

  2. Failing and learning from it without being defeated.

Today we’ll apply these to meal planning, but these failure principles are universal and can be applied in many areas of your life!

In this series, we’ll be talking about ALL the ways you can fail. . .more specifically, we’ll cover:

  • Planning

  • Shopping

  • Making the meals

  • Being derailed

  • Mindset

Last week we talked about planning, and today we’ll talk about shopping. So, what are some of the problems we come upon while shopping and what are the long and short term fixes?

When You Didn’t Get to the Store (01:40)

What do you do when you just don’t get to the store? The long-term fix here is to pick a shopping day and COMMIT TO IT!

As a shopping avoider myself, I understand this one! I have learned over time that if I can make it fun (invite a friend)—it’s much more likely to happen.

The mid-week, mid-sink fix can be to choose the store closest to your home, and buy ONLY what you need to finish out the week. Shop the sales, use store signage, and look for opportunities to save.

We’re ALL about grace! We understand that things come up, life can take some crazy turns, and frozen pizza for dinner is OK! (Bonus if it’s on sale!)

When You Didn’t Make a Good List (03:25)

If you realize, while cooking, that you left a few items off your list, the REAL long-term fix is to get better at making a grocery list!

The mid-week, mid-sink fix is recipe alteration! Can you leave out an ingredient? My answer is always “YES!” if it’s mushrooms. Can you leave out a spice, onions, or even the main veggie or meat? 90% of the time you CAN!

Another idea would be to swap the ingredient for something else? Sour cream for yogurt? Yes! Can you swap goat cheese for cream cheese? Yes! Can you swap red or white wine vinegar for apple cider vinegar (or vice-versa)? YES! You can swap cashew milk for almond milk, or oat milk for dairy milk. You can swap ground chicken for ground beef or pork! You can swap quinoa for rice or pasta for potatoes. . .you can swap your starches as needed! You can use cream of wheat instead of oatmeal and you can use grits instead of rice!

When You Didn’t Find What You Need at the Store (05:05)

The long-term fix when you can’t find what you need at the store is a well-stocked pantry and freezer, having back-up meals, and also knowing your options for ingredient swapping and stores.

The mid-week, mid-sink fix is altering or changing the recipe. Look to see if you have a suitable ingredient swap on hand, and if that doesn’t work, choose a different meal from either your back-up meals or one you had planned later in the week.

This is why the free Mini-Meal Planning kit Brittany made has an overlap day, because you ALWAYS have a bonus meal to borrow or move around! If you’d like it and don’t have it yet, send Brittany a DM on Instagram @thedeliberateday with the word “Bonus” and she’ll send you the link!

When You’ve Gone Over-Budget (06:10)

The long-term fix here is planning well, and really being honest about how much you spend, as well as honing the skill of saying “Not right now,” or “No,” to your people AND yourself.

What if I’m half-way through the month, I have what I need right now—but it was more expensive than I thought, and I know I have more shopping to do this month—what should I do?

If there’s still time to make it up in the overall budget, you need to pivot. Become a penny pincher! Adjust your budget accordingly for the remaining shopping days—take your remaining shopping budget and divide it between the number of shopping trips you have left in this budgeting period.

For example, if you have $500 left and you still need to make 2 shopping trips, you will have $250 to spend on each trip.

Also, save money where you can! Shop from your own freezer and pantry first! Waste nothing! Use a back-up meal or two to relieve some of the stress on your budget.

Back-up meals are sprinkled everywhere because they truly ARE a life raft!

Recap (07:50)

Shopping is another area, that if not planned for correctly, can really lead to failure in your meal planning. Here’s how to NOT let it. . .

  1. Choose a shopping day and COMMIT to it!

  2. Make a good list for your meal plan.

  3. Keep a well-stocked pantry and freezer with a back-up meal and get swap saavy!

  4. Budget well, be honest about what you spend on groceries, and be willing to pivot when you need to!

Invitation (08:20)

If you’re still feeling intimidated or just need a little boost to start, DM Brittany @thedeliberateday on Instagram with the word “bonus” and she will make sure you get a link for your beautiful Mini Meal Planning Kit!

Finally, make sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and give us a rating if you haven’t yet!


Episode 39: Planning to Fail-When Making the Meals Takes a Turn for the Worst


Episode 37: Planning to Fail-What to do When You Didn’t (Meal) Plan