Episode 35: Eating Well With Allergies


What You’ll Learn

  • Food Allergies (00:40)

  • Life is Better with Sauce (04:05)

  • Consult a Friend (07:53)

  • Our Favorite Substitutions (10:23)

  • Dairy Substitutions (12:32)

  • Egg Substitutions (22:20)

  • Creamer Substitutions (26:26)

  • Gluten Substitutions (28:06)

  • Recap (32:09)

  • Invitation (32:43)

If you have a food allergy, life isn’t over! In fact, you can still enjoy delicious foods! In this episode we go through our favorite subs (and a few to stay away from). When you’re done listening, come follow Brittany on Instagram @thedeliberateday and join our upcoming Pantry Challenge by DM’ing her the word “challenge”!

Food Allergies (00:40)

We are NO strangers to food allergies. First things first, the world isn’t over. . .you can still eat DELICIOUS foods-even with multiple allergies! For two or three years, Brittany, a friend of ours, and I came together every week and made absolutely amazing foods to share!

Start with a mindset shift. Instead of “I can’t” try “I don’t”. “Can’t” is a word that makes you feel helpless, and Momma, YOU are in control! Make the choice to avoid foods that you are allergic to, and see it as a decision to feel better!

Also, keep trying things! Brittany has a saying about foods you may not like, “You just haven’t met that food in a way that you liked. . .yet.” This allergy may be YOUR opportunity to meet a lot of new foods!

When Brittany found out she was allergic to eggs, at first, it was devastating. Then, she started trying different things! Keep trying things, and remember, not all alternatives and substitutes are equal. Get creative! Try new substitutes, new recipes, and even new foods!

Life is Better With Sauce (04:05)

When you have a food allergy you need to get creative, and we suggest you begin with sauce!

Brittany had a favorite macaroni and cheese recipe (here) which her family calls “Macnese”. . .then a friend of ours, in her brilliance, took the “cheese” sauce portion of the recipe and used it on nachos (minds. . .blown). We now use it as fondue sauce, taco sauce, enchilada sauce, taquito sauce and just about everything you can think about!

If you check the “highlights” link on @thedeliberateday on Instagram (among many other dairy-free or dairy-free adaptable) recipes, you will find a variety of delicious options. Brittany even made an egg-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free lasagna (and it was delicious)! There are SO many recipes out there that are crazy-tasty that you can try!

Sidenote: you can even eat wonderful meat-free meals! During Lent, we were looking for ways to eat delicious food that was meat-free (because it was Friday). This inspired us to try different recipes, options, and bowls, and we found this amazing tostada recipe with zucchini, corn, and avocado and it is STILL a favorite-our kids ate it, we ate it, and everybody loved it!

Phone a Friend (07:53)

I guarantee you KNOW someone who’s allergic to something (or you know someone who knows someone)! Friends (or acquaintances) with experience can be a fantastic resource! Use your network!

If you don’t have a personal connection to anyone with food allergies, try one of the million food bloggers who write about allergies and share great recipes! Brittany suggests The Korean Vegan (savory foods) and The Banana Diaries (baking) as a place to start! Learning from others will save you time AND money. If you have brand recommendations for substitutions, it can be VERY helpful!

Our Favorite Substitutions (10:23)

Kite Hill Plain yogurt is something you will ALWAYS find in our kitchens! Brittany uses it for ranch, sour cream, breakfast, even in pancakes and baked goods as an egg replacer! She just made the best banana muffins with the Kite Hill instead of eggs! I have used it in place of eggs in my potato chip chicken tenders recipe, and Brittany used it for her pork schnitzel!

A second product we ALWAYS keep on hand is vegan mayo—in our area we can usually find the Hellman’s brand vegan mayo—but our favorite is Just Mayo if you can find it. Check specialty stores for this one.

Dairy Substitutions (12:32)

Let’s start with the MOST important. . .ice cream. . .my daughter’s favorite food group. We’re talking full-on ice creams (not just lactose free). Brittany’s favorite ice creams are usually the ones made with cashew milk. My kids enjoy the Breyer’s and the Ben & Jerry’s (these are the two I buy regularly). Brittany really likes the ice cream bars. . .Target seems to do well in this area (they have the Favorite Day brand) and the price is reasonable. The birthday cake cookie dairy-free ice cream at Target is also one of Brittany’s favorites. Finally, Magnum non-dairy bars are some of the best!

Milks. . .you’ve got almond, coconut, cashew, BANANA (they’re milking everything now), oatmilk. . .the list goes on.

For cooking, rice and soy milk don’t seem to do well for cooking. Coconut milk is ok, but it can be watery and the coconut flavor can come through. Almond milk is really good for cooking and baking, and while the flavor can come through a bit-it can add to a dish. Brittany’s favorite for a long time has been cashew milk, it has a similar thickness to real milk. Finally, extra creamy oat milks can behave a lot like real heavy creams, and don’t need as much thickening when you’re making sauces (which makes them great to cook with).

In my house, we use a TON of almond milk. My 16 year-old drinks about 3-4 gallons a week! Our family isn’t dairy free, so I’ve used almond milk in macaroni and cheese and even hamburger helper, among many other things!

Sidenote: when cooking with non-milks, cut back the amount just a little. . .you will get the creamy element, but won’t have to thicken as much later.

Sour cream is another food that can easily be replaced. Our families use the Kite Hill yogurt to replace sour cream often, but there ARE other good substitutions. Tofutti is a great brand (really thick). Follow Your Heart (it’s labeled as “sour cream replacement”) and Forager make excellent sour cream substitutions too!

Brittany has some strong feelings about cream cheese. In her opinion, Kite Hill cream cheese wins! You could eat the herbed or the plain with a spoon, all on its own. Brittany has used it in frosting, cinnamon rolls, and many other recipes and it has ALWAYS held up to the challenge.

Cheese. . .Whole Foods 365 makes a gouda that’s excellent. Babybel just released a vegan option that’s pretty good! VioLife and Parmela Creamery both seem to melt pretty well. . .and taste great in their original or melted state. Daiya is not one of Brittany’s favorites because it doesn’t melt very well. VioLife makes a feta that Brittany requests for gifts! It’s good on bowls, with spaghetti, on pasta, on fish. . .it crumbles just like regular feta!

Egg Substitutions (22:20)

Egg replacers can be a bit tricky! In baking, egg does a really important job, and it can be hard to find a replacer that does ALL the same things. Brittany uses Bob’s Red Mill in baking, she has used the Kite Hill yogurt, and Just Egg is a good replacement for scrambled eggs (provided you add other ingredients in).

I use the Just Egg for French Toast, and my kids don’t complain at all (which is an accomplishment). Applesauce can work as an egg replacer in baking, and flax seed will work-but it can add a texture (you can pulse it in a blender and that helps). If you boil flax seed after you blend it up really well, it matches the consistency of egg-whites almost exactly.

This list is a GREAT place to start, but keep trying things!

Creamer Substitutions (26:26)

Creamers are Brittany’s favorite (she’s a coffee with her creamer type of girl). Her favorite is the Chobani Oat Creamer, it’s so creamy and delicious and the flavor adds a certain note of flavor to her teas and coffees. If you can’t find Chobani, try the Silk Almondmilk Creamer. In Brittany’s house, they put it over their oatmeal (try it out). In my house, we really like the Chobani (more specifically, my 11year-old prefers it).

Gluten Substitutions (28:06)

Neither Brittany or I are gluten free, and I don’t bake, but I have used Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free All-Purpose flour for years! I use it whenever I make a roux, and I use it in my muffins. We have also heard good things about the 1:1 baking flour (it comes highly recommended by a friend of ours who is an excellent baker).

As far a pre-made gluten-free mixes, I am passionate about Namaste pancake mix. Brittany highly recommends Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake mix (you don’t have to be gluten free to appreciate this, find it here)! Be careful though, because there are two different kinds. . .the Grain-Free is not the same (although if you had no other choice-this is still a good option). . .the Gluten-Free is the best! Namaste also makes a good chocolate cake mix, but Bob’s Red Mill will win every time!

Recap (32:09)

  1. The world is not over when you find out you have allergies!

  2. Phone a friend, find someone in real life or online who eats like you!

  3. Try a few of our favorites!

Invitation (32:43)

Do you have a favorite substitution? Go to Instagram, follow @thedeliberateday, and tag us in a photo, or send us a DM with YOUR favorite!

Are YOU up for a challenge!? Send a DM to Brittany @thedeliberateday with the word “challenge” and she’ll send you a link to join!

Finally, make sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and give us a rating if you haven’t yet!


Episode 36: Food is Love-Family Favorites, Food Sharing, Feasting and Fasting


Episode 34: Kitchen Essentials