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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 97: Summer of Adventure…Boundaries & Pro-tips

This is the second part of our Summer of Adventure Series...because when we start talking about things we're passionate about it always ends up as a series...EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Our Summer of Adventure is a concept that we came up with to invite our kids into imagination, growth, and experiences while making memories and keeping summer rolling smoothly without burning all our money or sanity. Today we're digging into thoughts and logistics for when you're on the go during your adventures.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 96: Summer of Adventure…Ground Rules, Tips, & Tricks

…It was when I first met the idea that my car could REALLY serve me……

We're coming back today talking about Our Summer of Adventure. It's a concept that we came up with to invite our kids into imagination, growth, and experiences while making memories and keeping summer rolling smoothly without burning all our money or sanity.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 94: After a Road-trip…Memory Stacking

Welcome back...this is day 467 of our Road Tripping with Family series...

No, in reality, it's day 5, but we have to tell you...this started out as one quick easy podcast and turned into a whole series that keeps growing even as we record them! Heck, Tiff didn't even know she felt so strongly about road trips until we did this!

If you get nothing else out of this series...let it be that trips will impact your family in the most memorable ways...if you let them.

Trips really are worth the's a lot like motherhood you see some things, you learn some things, and you are never the same after. But in the best way.

And it often starts with how we allow our trips to settle on our minds and hearts, both in the process of them, but also in reliving them after.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 93: Road-trip Systems That Will Save Your Sanity

Welcome back...this is day 467 of our Road Tripping with Family series...

No, in reality, it's day 4, but we have to tell you...this started out as one quick easy podcast and turned into a whole series that keeps growing even as we record them! Heck, Tiff didn't even know she felt so strongly about road trips until we did this!

If you get nothing else out of this series...let it be that trips will impact your family in the most memorable ways...if you let them.

Trips really are worth the's a lot like motherhood you see some things, you learn some things, and you are never the same after. But in the best way.

And it often starts with how we allow our trips to settle on our minds and hearts, both in the process of them, but also in reliving them after.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 92: Systems That Will Save Your Road-trip

Your family is still going to be your family no matter where you are.

“A road-trip is a way for the whole family to spend time together and annoy each other in interesting new places.” – Tom Lichtenheld

This is day 3 of our Road-tripping with family series...we’re no strangers to little or big adventures with kiddos and we started sharing some of the lessons we've learned and tucked away from roughly 18+ years of traveling with kids. Today is all about what we do and consider ON the actual trip.

Listen…trips are worth it. That's it. They just are. There are things that happen on trips with your people that you just can't create any other way. We are huge supporters of taking family trips (note: we did NOT call them vacations) and we have GOT the tips and tricks to encourage and prepare you to make really good memories with your people (and not lose your mind along the way).

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 91: Being Kind to Tomorrow’s You…Road-trip Edition

As we're getting into the heart of summer we wanted to share some of the lessons we've learned and tucked away from roughly 18+ years of traveling with kids. This is not a to do list, but just some thoughts on our list of considerations when we're planning adventures.

We REALLY believe in the importance and value of taking trips with your people (and even without them) so let this be something that helps you feel better prepared...and not overwhelmed, because once we started writing this stuff down it went from one episode to 3...because we have learned SO much and because gosh darn it, we just love to talk...and short and sweet clearly isn't our jam.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 90: People Don’t Take Trips…Trips Take People

We drove over 5k miles…over 21 days…in one van…with 9 people.

And I can tell you…Traveling…in any capacity…is going to change you. You will have SEEN some things…especially when you travel with kids… because “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” – John Steinback

As we're getting into the heart of summer we wanted to share some of the lessons we've learned and tucked away from roughly 18+ years of traveling with kids. This is not a to do list, but just some thoughts on our list of considerations when we're planning adventures.

We REALLY believe in the importance and value of taking trips with your people (and even without them) so let this be something that helps you feel better prepared...and not overwhelmed, because once we started writing this stuff down it went from one episode to 3...because we have learned SO much and because gosh darn it, we just love to talk...and short and sweet clearly isn't our jam.

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