Episode 96: Summer of Adventure…Ground Rules, Tips, & Tricks


What You’ll Learn

  • Planning (01:05)

  • Ideas (04:43)

  • Ground Rules (09:45)

  • Prep Your Vehicle (25:45)

  • Takeaways (35:47)

  • Invitation (36:45)

…It was when I first met the idea that my car could REALLY serve me……

We're coming back today talking about Our Summer of Adventure. It's a concept that we came up with to invite our kids into imagination, growth, and experiences while making memories and keeping summer rolling smoothly without burning all our money or sanity.

Planning (01:05)

  • Plan yourself or plan-together

  • Decide your schedule based on your capacity!

  • Our Schedule: 3 days of activity

    • M: swim/outdoor activity (hike, playground)

    • W: Go somewhere (out of town) *because M/F are usually busier…but check for summer camps*

    • F: Go somewhere (in town) *usually a little more tired of going + weekends are busier + skips are easier*

    • 2 days of down - NON - NEGOTIABLE

    • T: down day

    • Th: down day

  • Look around you for inspiration

  • What are your favorites - add those first

  • Be open to new things

IDEAS (04:43)

  • Tourist attractions

  • Museums

  • Historical Sites

  • National/State Parks

  • Playgrounds

  • FB Events

  • Activity Parks (trampoline, skate park, gymnastics, rock climbing)

    • Pro Tip: Make life notes and keep a running list in your phone *for future years*

Establish Ground Rules (09:45)

  • Cancel anytime guilt free (other people are free to go without you)

  • Down days are a must (for you AND your kids)

  • Meals cannot be skipped

  • No kid swapping

  • Pre-plan the events/days/meals/times

  • Leave while everyone is happy

  • Missed events don't carry-over unless it's a favorite

  • Know your budget before you go

  • Decide on a mutual budget

  • For food AND events

  • We like to do One big paid event/month

  • Take cash if you struggle to stay in budget

  • Take change for parking/tolls/etc.

  • Understand each others budget/buying preferences

  • Food

  • Gift Shop

Prep Your Vehicle (25:45)

On our first summer of adventure...you learn things from the first few outings…It was when I first met the idea that my car could REALLY serve me…I had the freedom to make it what I needed it to be, which allowed me to be able to do these big things without expending all my capacity in the details…It could be our home away from home.

  • Baskets - snacks (hide them)

  • Back up flops

  • First Aid Kit

  • Tv / Devices

  • Take pauses and bring in prayer, learning, site-seeing

  • Audible

  • Table

  • Space to change

  • Potty seat

  • Bags, gloves, change of clothes, wipes, TP

  • Water basket

  • Swim suits

  • Change of clothes

  • Flip flop basket

Takeaways (35:47)

  1. Make a plan ahead of time with special attention to the capacity and schedule of everyone in mind.  Include at least one favorite from each family (while keeping an open mind). Don't forget how important down days are!

  2. Look for inspiration everywhere! There is probably more to do in and around you than you realize and if not, don't be afraid to adventure for the day!

  3. Establish clear ground rules with your momma friends so there is less stress and anxiety surrounding all your adventures.

  4. Know your budget and stick to it, you can't keep adventuring if you aren't responsible with your funds. Tuck away extra cash in the car for times when you might need it.

  5. Allow your vehicle to serve you and be your home base on wheels. Don’t be afraid to get creative and extra flops are always a thing.

Invitation (36:45)

If you're planning a summer of adventure save this podcast and send it to a friend so you can plan your OWN summer of adventure! 

*rate the podcast…pretty please*

Remember momma…

You are doing beautiful work!  


Episode 97: Summer of Adventure…Boundaries & Pro-tips


Episode 95: Now What? Road-tripping from Alaska to Florida