Episode 97: Summer of Adventure…Boundaries & Pro-tips


What You’ll Learn

  • Boundaries (01:10)

  • Set Yourself up for Success (17:55)

  • Be Kind to Tomorrow’s You (35:20)

  • HAVE FUN! (37:41)

  • Extra Pro Tips (40:28)

  • Takeaways (51:55)

  • Invitation (53:03)

This is the second part of our Summer of Adventure Series...because when we start talking about things we're passionate about it always ends up as a series...EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

Our Summer of Adventure is a concept that we came up with to invite our kids into imagination, growth, and experiences while making memories and keeping summer rolling smoothly without burning all our money or sanity. Today we're digging into thoughts and logistics for when you're on the go during your adventures.

Boundaries (01:10)

Create firm boundaries!

  • Hold your boundaries

  • 'House' Rules

  • Who can they be with

  • How far can they go

  • What happens when they get lost/separated

  • Food/knick knacks / Personal spending

  • Bathroom breaks

  • Buddy system

  • 2 go 2 come back

  • Whistle / Roll Call

Set Yourself up for Success (17:55)

  • Know yourself!

    • Any event can work if you know yourself

    • Can't go to the beach

    • Can't do spend the nights after these days

    • I need food

    • I need to listen to something calming on the drive (a book/music/podcast)

  •  Know your friends

    • KNOW your capacity & that of your friend & your limitations

    • Friends that push outside of comfort zone

    • Sometimes good

    • Sometimes too much

    • *beach friends, boats, for HOW many *friends & kids* you can have with you

    • Friends that can handle some things, some that can't

    • Friends that invite your kids

    • Invite quietly

    • Respect no

    • Respect 'yes'

    • Take time to learn someone's boundaries

Be Kind to Tomorrow's You (35:20)

  • Pack the night before - let kids help

  • Lay out outfits WITH SHOES

  • Plan on easy breakfasts

HAVE FUN! (37:41)

  • Let loose with your kids

  • Let it be easy

  • TAKE pictures and together! And get in them!

  • Take pics of your friend, even little videos and SEND IT TO THEM!

  • Make the memories so you can relive them later #memorystacking #notgaslighting

Extra Pro Tips (40:28)

  • Work around anchors (naps/meals)

  • Don't be out too late -- no such thing as too early

  • Have entertainment for the car, but include things you enjoy and don't be afraid to lean on devices at times

  • Find friends that fit you!

  • Are mutually late (release people from guilt if you are running too late)

  • Enjoy the same places

  • Have similar values

  • TIFF - liberal with screens…but a time and a place!

  • Montessori vs. heavy on the iPhone

  • If you don't have any friends yet…GO ANYWAY

  • Check your library for rentable passes

  • Look for local/group discounts *remember you're being counted on for this 

  • Strew evidence of your adventures everywhere. EVERYWHERE

  • Tips and tricks for sanity when you're going going going

  • 1 adult/2 adult

  • Need recovery (go to a playground after)

  • A mix of calm/active activities/places

  • Need a picnic lunch

  • How many hours do you need (and what hour family are you? Are you a 1 hr family...a 2 hr?)

Places & Spaces (Extra)

  • Museums!

  • Pensacola Mess-Hall

  • Exploreum

  • Emerald Coast Science Museum

  • Pensacola Children's museums

  • National Naval Aviation Museum

  • USS Alabama Battleship

  • Science and Discovery Center of Northwest FL (Panama City)

  • National/State Parks

  • Mariana Caverns

  • Falling Waters

  • Gulf Islands National SeaShore

  • Fort Pickens

  • Gardens

  • Butterfly

  • Estate

  • Flower

  • Aquariums / Zoos

  • Shrines

  • The Beach

  • Amusement Attractions

  • Water Parks

  • Rock Climbing (Rock out, Weatherfords)

  • Wonderworks

  • Mini Golf / Movie theatre / Snow cones / Bowling

  • Parks!

  • Panama City Beach Recreation Center

  • Oakland Park (Pcity)

  • Pensacola Parks are pretty much all awesome

  • Benny Russel

  • Whibbs Maritime Park

  • *Ask on local pages for favorite parks/playgrounds

  • Festivals / Events

  • Recreation Centers / Pools

  • Vacation Bible School / Camps

  • Grounding / in town

  • A break for you, but still going  

Takeaways (51:55)

Create firm boundaries and house rules and hold them without guilt because having these will maintain your ability to keep going AND actually enjoy it before, during and after.

****It's ALWAYS worth it to set-up tomorrow's you for success! Know yourself, know your friends, and be kind to tomorrow's you by putting in a little extra prep the night before and allowing your vehicle to work for YOU whatever your needs are.

Have. Fun. Take the pictures and videos (and take them of your friends and their kids too). Then create lots of opportunities for memory stacking!

Pro Tips:

  1. Work around daily anchors like meals and naps

  2. Find the entertainment that works best for your family and your sanity and lean in to it!

  3. Find your people!

  4. Check for discounts and passes

  5. Strew evidence of your adventures EVERYWHERE! And memory stack like a mom-boss!

Invitation (53:03)

If you're planning a summer of adventure save this podcast and send it to a friend so together you can plan your OWN summer of adventure!

*rate the podcast…pretty please*

You are doing beautiful work momma!


Episode 98: The Story of an Athiest, Baking, & Conversion…with Simone Florez


Episode 96: Summer of Adventure…Ground Rules, Tips, & Tricks