Episode 90: People Don’t Take Trips…Trips Take People


What You’ll Learn

  • Before the Trip (02:00)

  • Know Your Budget (08:05)

  • Consider Your Animals (15:20)

  • Decide Your Destination & Route (17:05)

  • Decide When You Want to Go (18:05)

  • Decide What You Want to See (29:52)

  • Where do You Want to Stay (31:52)

  • Planning Road Trip Flow (37:17)

  • Stop for Breaks (39:11)

  • When to Quit for the Day (47:07)

  • Leave Room for Flexibility & Rest (51:09)

  • Takeaways (52:44)

  • Invitation (53:46)

We drove over 5k miles…over 21 days…in one van…with 9 people.

And I can tell you…Traveling…in any capacity…is going to change you. You will have SEEN some things…especially when you travel with kids… because “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” – John Steinback

As we're getting into the heart of summer we wanted to share some of the lessons we've learned and tucked away from roughly 18+ years of traveling with kids. This is not a to do list, but just some thoughts on our list of considerations when we're planning adventures.

We REALLY believe in the importance and value of taking trips with your people (and even without them) so let this be something that helps you feel better prepared...and not overwhelmed, because once we started writing this stuff down it went from one episode to 3...because we have learned SO much and because gosh darn it, we just love to talk...and short and sweet clearly isn't our jam.

Before the Trip (2:00) 

  • Pre-Planning

  • Decide what kind of traveler you are

  • Know thyself / capacity

  • Mountains / big cities

  • Planner vs. TRUE adventurer

  • Know what kind of traveler your HUSBAND and kids are

Know Your Budget (8:05)

  • What do you value the most?

    • Experiences

    • Easy / Convenient foods

    • Lavish stays

    • Super thrifty

  • Planning saves you more money

    • Gift cards for grocery rewards

    • Plan your own meals

Consider Your Animals (15:20)

  • Find someone to hire / boarding

  • Remember their stuff (medication, food, their bed, leash)

Decide Your Destination & Route (17:05)

  • Where do you want to go?

Decide When You Want to Go (18:05)

  • Seasons / activities / holidays / off-seasons

Decide What You Want to See (20:38)

  • Straight through or sight seeing

Who do You Know (22:44)

  • Can you stay?

  • Just visit

  • When are you free to visit

What do You Want to See (29:52)

  • Be a tourist...visit family/friends

  • Free vs. $$

Where do You Want to Stay (31:52)

  • Hotels / Airbnb

  • Friends / Family

  • Caveats

  • Are you going to get enough rest

  • Know your hosts

  • Consider the needs of your husband / children

Planning Road Trip Flow (37:17)

  • Travel time

  • How long do you want to be in the car for?

  • How long can your people handle being in the car?

Stop for Breaks (39:11)

  • Plan playground stops

  • Look for hands on museums (ASTC Passport)

  • Restaurants

  • Buffets

  • CFA

  • Any place with a play-set or games

  • Consider "pre-order" lists

  • Allergies / macro friendly / health conscious / caffeine addict

  • Know your places and menus

When to Quit for the Day (47:07)

  • Do you want to see anything when you come in?!

  • Do you want to hit the pool?!

  • Do you want to be able to find your stay?!

  • Have time to eat / swim in the evenings?

  • Hangry?

  • Do you want to walk the line between exhausted & sick of being in the car?

Leave Room for Flexibility & Rest (51:09)

  • Can only plan so much

  • Leave buffer time in your days for extra stops

  • Work in down days

 Takeaways (52:44)

When you start planning it's really good to consider:

  1. Decide what kind of traveler you & your people are...lean-in and plan for that!

  2. Know your budget & the budget of the people you may be visiting or staying with and plan within those boundaries.

  3. Consider your animal's needs and find a good neighbor, homeschool kid, or place to board them well in advance (and maybe even have a backup option). Don't forget all their accessories.

  4. Spend a little time deciding not only your destination, but how you want to get there and who or what you want to see along the way.

  5. Every road trip has a flow...decide what kind of road trip flow you want or your family will need and plan around that.

  6. Don't forget that flexibility and rest are both important components of an enjoyable "trip" and deserve some space and time in the plan.


Hey! If we didn't lose you yet and you're still considering going on a road trip...before you go, we want to give you something to make it easier! Britt made a free guide for Planning the Ultimate Family Road Trip, you'll get planning check-lists, our best tips for thrifty & peaceful travel, and our favorite on the go meals to prep ahead.  Just head here or DM us the words road trip on instagram to get it.

And share this series with any momma friends you know that are traveling this summer!

You are doing beautiful work momma!


Episode 91: Being Kind to Tomorrow’s You…Road-trip Edition


Episode 89: Here’s What I Wish All Moms Knew with Lisa Canning