Episode 88: Road-tripping with a planner & a high maintenance hippie


What You’ll Learn

  • Takeaways (55:30)

  • Invitation (56:11)

 Recently, Britt and I took our first (of hopefully many) road trip! We learned SO much, and we figured we would share it with you! Listen in as we talk through our trip and the lessons we were able to walk away with!

Your takeaways (55:30)

  1. Nail down specifics before you start planning

  2. Prepping your family AND yourself will result in much easier transitions

  3. Ensure you're on the same page with the trip budget, where you're staying, and length of the trip

  4. Pay attention to the Garmin...he digs adventures and the adrenaline from surviving sketchy neighbors

  5. Have good boundaries around your capacity (with a healthy dose of flexibility)

  6. Laugh A LOT

Invitation (56:11)

We would love for you to go rate our podcast! We know it’s a lot of work, but it would help us so much! Or, if you would share any of our episodes with a friend, this would help us as well!

And remember momma…

You are doing beautiful work!


Episode 89: Here’s What I Wish All Moms Knew with Lisa Canning


Episode 87: Is this “normal”? A Postpartum Chat with Kelly Mayor