Episode 93: Road-trip Systems That Will Save Your Sanity


What You’ll Learn

  • Systems That Serve (01:40)

  • Spontaneity (01:11:42)

  • Takeaways (01:15:50)

  • Invitation (01:17:12)

Welcome back...this is day 467 of our Road Tripping with Family series...

No, in reality, it's day 4, but we have to tell you...this started out as one quick easy podcast and turned into a whole series that keeps growing even as we record them! Heck, Tiff didn't even know she felt so strongly about road trips until we did this!

If you get nothing else out of this series...let it be that trips will impact your family in the most memorable ways...if you let them.

Trips really are worth the challenges...it's a  lot like motherhood you see some things, you learn some things, and you are never the same after. But in the best way.

And it often starts with how we allow our trips to settle on our minds and hearts, both in the process of them, but also in reliving them after.

Systems that serve (01:40)


  • Your mindset makes or breaks your trip

    • We get to choose how we remember things

    • The quicker you learn to shift your mindset the better experience you're going to have

    • It's a SKILL…it's a muscle…you have to work on it.

    • Slow build (hard to do when it's new for your family)

    • Rant…but don't stew

    • Reframe quicker

  • Bring what makes you happy

    • Painting stuff

    • Books

    • Set reasonable boundaries for your time and attention

    • Find moments of peace alone and with your husband

    • Ear buds (and a good audible book)

  • Let it be enough

    • Your worth isn't tied to their fleeting emotions in this moment

    • Kids are built to want more

    • Don't let guilt have a seat in the car

    • Disappointment is tough...gratitude is the answer

    • Self-discipline, self-mastery, and delayed gratification

    • Sibling arguing

    • Get a big stick

    • Stop the car and let them out...together

    • Set firm boundaries

    • Get out of the way unless it's necessary

    • Redirection / distraction

    • Usually a sign to check needs...hungry, bored, tired, overstimulated, etc.

  • Routine

    • You can still have routines even on trips

    • Meal times

    • Bedtimes (real thing even across time zones)

    • Slowly step them out

    • Leave when people are happy

    • Know your capacity (2 hours...5 hour max day)

      Being Flexible

    • Just a life-time muscle you're honing

    • Good news – you are already perfectly equipped to go with the flow...because motherhood

    • Don’t always like it…but you are a master

  • The art of the Pivot

  • Closed (handling disappointment)

  • Weather

  • Break downs

  • Skip stop

  • Change plans altogether

  • Embrace the (suck) adversity

    • Truth bomb...it's not going to be a Hallmark movie

    • The hardest moments make the BEST stories (and laughter)

  • We rise to bravery when we are faced with adversity

    • ...but I THINK we rise differently when faced with adversity WITH our children

  • Have a safe word (and not for stranger danger)

    • Protect your mindset

    • Protect your capacity

Spontaneity (01:11:42)

  • So turns out we aren't so spontaneous....but we're pledging to be a little more

    •  You can plan for spontaneity within your capacity … it just requires you to leave space for adventure (don't overplan your drive time)

    • Be willing to stop at the silly touristy places and make memories

Bottom line…make memories.

And take photos and videos *one of my greatest regrets* so you can encourage good memory stacking well after the trip is over. *this is not gas lighting…no matter how similar they may seem*

Takeaways (01:15:50)

Travel Systems that Serve:

  1. Your sanity is the most valuable thing to protect on a trip…aside from your people. Your mindset can make or break not only this trip, but ALL future trips. Work on the art of reframing and seeing those moments for what they are (MEMORIES and usually funny ones) and not reasons to stack up against new experiences. Pack something that makes YOU happy and set reasonable boundaries for your time and attention. Make time to enjoy your husband. Don't let guilt creep in, let the memories you're making be enough. Arguing is going to happen, give them space to work it out and only get involved if necessary.

  2. Routines! Routines! Routines! We can't say this enough, kids AND adults need routines, even on trips.

  3. Practicing flexibility will serve you again and again, and you are already a master at it even if you don't realize it.

  4. Your ability (and willingness!) to pivot in unexpected circumstances can make or break your trip.

  5. Your mindset is the first step to this! You get to choose your mindset (and even have a good cry first).

  6. Sneak in a good dose of spontaneity….you're on your own for the how…but when you find out, let us know!


Invitation (01:17:12) 

If you're ready to make memories, but need a little help we got you...go hit us up on IG with the words Road Trip or jump into the podcast notes for the link to get our guide for planning the Ultimate Family Road Trip, you'll get check-lists, our best tips for thrifty & peaceful travel, and our favorite on the go meals to prep ahead.

And share this series with any momma friends you know that are traveling this summer!

You are doing beautiful work momma!



Episode 94: After a Road-trip…Memory Stacking


Episode 92: Systems That Will Save Your Road-trip