Episode 87: Is this “normal”? A Postpartum Chat with Kelly Mayor


What You’ll Learn

  • Kelly Mayor (01:55)

  • Takeaways (47:40)

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich said, "Well-behaved women seldom make history", but this quotation doesn't mean what you think it means...

Thatcher, a historian, author, educator, and mother of 5 was dedicated to telling the quiet stories of ordinary people...and she won a Pulitzer Prize for it. Because, as she states, “it is in the very dailiness, the exhaustive, repetitious dailiness, that the real power lies… living has to be measured in doing.” and mommas...our lives are a very measure of doing, and doing, and doing.

We don't have to be aggressive, loud, and bold to change the world...there is power in our quiet contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters...and they rarely get attention or credit, because well-behaved women seldom make history....but that doesn't mean our contributions aren't valuable, necessary, beautiful, and worthy.

Kelly Mayor (01:55)

In our new series, "Just" a Mom, we are celebrating YOUR stories, the seemingly ordinary. Because no mom is 'just' a mom and we all have triumphs, struggles, challenges, and beauty to share. And frankly, other moms need to hear them. 

Welcome to the "Just" a Mom series – Today we have the lovely Kelly Mayor. She is a mother of 4 and a licensed clinical social worker. She specializes in anxiety, OCD, phobias, and postpartum depression. She and her husband are both therapists and recently opened a private practice together. In addition to momming, serving so many others with her practice, she loves dancing, camping, and taking care of their chickens.

Takeaways (47:40)

  1. If you are experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, or intrusive thoughts, please know these are common, you are not alone, and help is out there. Don’t give up if you’ve had.a bad experience talking with your husband or a therapist, keep trying.

  2. Sleep can have a HUGE impact on our mental health! We know it’s hard to get sleep, but do everything you can to take care of you, and sleep is a very big part of that.

  3. Seek out community with other mommas and support groups that are going to help you be a student of yourself and your situation.

  4. Get yourself out more, even when it feels hard.

  5. Do what you can as a mom, and let it be enough.

  6. Stand with your husband and face the problems together.

If you enjoyed hearing from Kelly, she offers telehealth in the state of FL! Her website is kellymayorlcsw.clientsecure.me or if you prefer, you can email her at kellymayorlcsw@gmail.com

Remember momma…you are doing beautiful work!


Episode 88: Road-tripping with a planner & a high maintenance hippie


Episode 86: How to Cope When Leaning-in Isn't Working