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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 113: On Purpose, for a Purpose with Jessica Castillo

Welcome back to the Just A Mom series...Of course no mom is JUST a mom and we're proving that by sharing the seemingly ordinary stories of mommas in our community and shedding light on the beauty and lessons they have to offer.

Because seriously...there is so much beauty in our contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters ...and we all know it rarely gets attention or credit, because as we've been quoting Laurel Thatcher Ulrich these past few episodes... well-behaved women seldom make history. So let's change that!

Imagine waking up after 7 hours of glorious sleep (ok…maybe it was interrupted a few times by children-let's be realistic), clear on what your purpose is, AND you have plenty of energy to tackle every task the day throws your way… if this sounds like a fantasy...keep listening!

Today's guest is a momma, a Catholic personal development and certified health coach and she's made it her personal mission to remind us that we're made "on purpose and for a purpose". She works directly with Catholic Mommas in all walks of life and teaches them how to maximize their energy, productivity, and focus so they can thrive in their vocations.

Today we have Jessica Castillo! You can find more of Jessica…

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 112: The Fourth Trimester

The fourth's the one no one talks enough about...

It's starts when then baby is born and goes for 12 weeks after.

Our lives change in a huge way when we have a baby...and not just the first one. But every single new baby brings about a new transition into a new and unknown motherhood.

New is defined by Google as: not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time OR already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.

Unless you've had this exact pregnancy, delivery, and baby before we are new moms each and every time we bring a new baby into the world. Not to mention bringing home baby #2...5...or 8 to a home filled with 1....4....or 7 kids already makes this a brand new transition to a brand new motherhood.

Our bodies have undergone immense change over months and an even more immense change in more than likely a much briefer amount of time and most of us feel the longing to have our body back immediately.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 111: If You’ve Ever Peed Yourself…with Dr. Angela Turnow

We're back with our "Just a Mom series" and this month we're tackling all things postpartum!

Have you ever laughed and peed yourself even just a little or had a c-section only for them to send you home with basically just a high five and a "listen to your body", or you noticed your insides up in the nether regions aren't quite where they should be anymore, or sex just isn't what it once was … if so, you're going to love our guest today as much as we did, when we met her.

Today we've got Angela Turnow, orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapist and soon to be momma of 3…in addition to all her titles and experience working with fellow mommas, she's also overcome her own struggles with pelvic floor issues and the mindset struggles that come from adjusting to our new bodies post-pregnancy.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 110: The Proper Care & Feeding of a ‘New’ Mom

This episode isn't just about how to support a post-partum momma coming home with her first brand new baby...but our seasoned momma friends too...who need support too, even if they look like they have it all figured out! Maybe especially if they look like they have it all figured out...because none of us do. And ALLL of us could benefit from being cared for in special ways.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 87: Is this “normal”? A Postpartum Chat with Kelly Mayor

Welcome to the "Just" a Mom series – Today we have the lovely Kelly Mayor. She is a mother of 4 and a licensed clinical social worker. She specializes in anxiety, OCD, phobias, and postpartum depression. She and her husband are both therapists and recently opened a private practice together. In addition to momming, serving so many others with her practice, she loves dancing, camping, and taking care of their chickens.

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