Episode 89: Here’s What I Wish All Moms Knew with Lisa Canning


What You’ll Learn

  • Book Recommendations for Seasons of Survival (15:48)

  • Where You Can Find Lisa Canning (48:00)

  • Takeaways (49:00)

Welcome to our rather tongue and cheek series, Just a mom...we all know NO mom is JUST a mom.  We want to celebrate mommas AND their stories...the seemingly ordinary. Because beautiful things come of sharing our journeys, our struggles, AND our triumphs with each other!

Tiff and I got inspired when we heard the quote "Well-behaved women seldom make history", by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich , but were surprised when we read what she mean by it...

Dr. Ulrich, a historian, author, educator, and mother of 5 was dedicated to telling the quiet stories of ordinary people...and she won a Pulitzer Prize for it. Because, as she states, “it is in the very dailiness, the exhaustive, repetitious dailiness, that the real power lies… living has to be measured in doing.” and mommas...we are ALWAYS doing! 

And our quiet stories...there is deeply beautiful power in our contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters...and they rarely get attention or credit, because as Thatcher stated, well-behaved women seldom make history.

Today we have a special guest who is near and dear to my heart, she is a devout Catholic, devoted wife, soon-to-be momma of 10, author, creator of an entire library of courses for mommas like us, and coach and mentor to Catholic businesswomen (specifically mommas like me!) all over the world! 

Mommas, may we introduce Lisa Canning!

Lisa is speaking to us today on the theme of overwhelm and seasons of survival because she has navigated both over the last year with tremendous amounts of grace and strength, very publicly.

Lisa is a force and a warrior of a momma...in the last 12 months she’s navigated…

Multiple moves


Child hospitalized

Your 10th! Pregnancy

All this on top of regular life…

Being a mother and wife

Running a successful online business coaching and mentoring so many beautiful mommas


Book Recommendations for Seasons of Survival (15:48)

In the podcast, Lisa recommends two very good books for mommas who are experiencing big (seemingly out-of-control) changes in their lives:

  1. Abandonment to Divine Providence, Jean Pierre de Caussade

  2. Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, Jean Pierre de Caussade

One quote that really spoke to Lisa from “Abandonment to Divine Providence” is: “Perfection consists in doing the will of God, not in understanding his designs.” Jean Pierre de Caussade.

Where You Can Find Lisa Canning (48:00)

You can find Lisa at lisacanning.ca—where she has two coaching communities; the first—Wealth Without Guilt—is for business owners, and the second—Motherhood Without Guilt—is for General Life Coaching for Catholic Moms.  Lisa can also be found on Instagram @lisacanning (this is the most real-time/real-life place you can find her).

Takeaways (49:00)

  1. Even when we’re at our lowest, the Lord sustains us.

  2. We have an opportunity for intimacy with the Lord in our darkest challenges.

  3. We have to fill our brain with evidence of how the Lord has shown up and how he continues to do so, because mommas, He is!

  4. “Perfection consists in doing the will of God, not in understanding his designs.” -Jean Pierre de Caussade.

  5. Grace builds upon nature.

  6. Even in the most challenging situations there are things we can control.

  7. It’s not easy to choose to be kind to future you instead of present you, but you will always, always be glad you did.

  8. We get to now dictate what “safety,” what “peace,” what “comfort” looks like, and it doesn’t have to be what we inherited.

  9. A holistic approach combining the mental, spiritual, and physical is SO necessary…and it’s not as “woo” as you might think!

Thank you for joining us for today’s episode, and remember momma…

You are doing beautiful work!


Episode 90: People Don’t Take Trips…Trips Take People


Episode 88: Road-tripping with a planner & a high maintenance hippie