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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 98: The Story of an Athiest, Baking, & Conversion…with Simone Florez

Welcome back to the Just a Mom series! Of course no mom is JUST a mom and in this series we're shinning a little light on mommas AND their stories. If we've learned anything in the past 14 years connecting mommas, it's that our seemingly ordinary and quiet stories connect and encourage fellow mommas more than we know. And after learning the real meaning behind the quote "Well-behaved women seldom make history" we knew we needed to get more mommas sharing their stories.

Dr. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, the owner of that quotation, as well as a historian, author, educator, and mother of 5 was dedicated to telling the quiet stories of ordinary people...and she won a Pulitzer Prize for it. Because, as she states, “it is in the very dailiness, the exhaustive, repetitious dailiness, that the real power lies… living has to be measured in doing.” and mommas...we are ALWAYS doing!

It's the really difficult dailiness that holds so much of the beauty of our contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters...and it rarely gets attention or credit, because as Ulrich stated, well-behaved women seldom make history. So let's change that.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 95: Now What? Road-tripping from Alaska to Florida

Welcome back to the Just a Mom series! Of course no mom is JUST a mom and in this series we're shinning a little light on mommas AND their stories. If we've learned anything in the past 14 years connecting mommas, it's that our seemingly ordinary and quiet stories connect and encourage fellow mommas more than we know. And after learning the real meaning behind the quote "Well-behaved women seldom make history" we knew we needed to get more mommas sharing their stories.

Dr. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, the owner of that quotation, as well as a historian, author, educator, and mother of 5 was dedicated to telling the quiet stories of ordinary people...and she won a Pulitzer Prize for it. Because, as she states, “it is in the very dailiness, the exhaustive, repetitious dailiness, that the real power lies… living has to be measured in doing.” and mommas...we are ALWAYS doing!

It's the really difficult dailiness that holds so much of the beauty of our contributions as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters...and it rarely gets attention or credit, because as Ulrich stated, well-behaved women seldom make history. So let's change that.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 89: Here’s What I Wish All Moms Knew with Lisa Canning

Today we have a special guest who is near and dear to my heart, she is a devout Catholic, devoted wife, soon-to-be momma of 10, author, creator of an entire library of courses for mommas like us, and coach and mentor to Catholic businesswomen (specifically mommas like me!) all over the world!

Mommas, today we have Lisa Canning!

You can find Lisa at—where she has two coaching communities; the first—Wealth Without Guilt—is for business owners, and the second—Motherhood Without Guilt—is for General Life Coaching for Catholic Moms. Lisa can also be found on Instagram @lisacanning (this is the most real-time/real-life place you can find her).

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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 84: Two True Stories of Well Behaved Women

You've probably heard the quote, "Well-behaved women seldom make history", but you might be surprised by what Laurel Thatcher Ulrich really meant by this statement, and once you hear it you'll never be able to hear this quote the same way.

Thatcher, a historian, author, educator, and mother of 5 dedicated her work to telling the quiet stories of ordinary people...and she won a Pulitzer Prize for it. Because, as she states, “it is in the very dailiness, the exhaustive, repetitious dailiness, that the real power lies… living has to be measured in doing.” and mommas...our lives are a very measure in doing, and doing, and doing.

Often this quote is misunderstood to mean that in order to change the world and make a difference we must be aggressive, loud, and bold...but it was merely to share that the quiet and compliant contributions of women rarely get attention or credit for their accomplishments. That's us mommas. We're living that truth every single day, because what we do. It matters. Oh man does it matter.

In our new series, "Just" a Mom, we are celebrating the beautiful stories of ordinary, well-behaved women...who we know are far more than what we see at first glance. The lives we are living have incredible beauty and power in them, and we want to share them with the world.

Welcome to the ‘Just a Mom’ Series…

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