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Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day

Episode 139: A Day in the Life…Britt’s Interview with Everyday Parents

A few months ago, Brittany was invited to be a guest on the Everyday Parents podcast, and we're SO excited to share it with you! It's not often that a podcaster is interviewed on her OWN podcast, and getting a sneak-peek into the large family life is always fun (even if you have your own large family...maybe ESPECIALLY if you have your own large family)!

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Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day Travel, Meal Planning The Deliberate Day

Episode 138: When Dad Stays Home…Our Interview with Everyday Parents

A few months ago, Brittany was invited to be a guest on the Everyday Parents podcast, and after that appearance, we were super excited to have them on ours! They share a peek into the life of everyday parents on their episodes…their routines, the things that are special to them, and what’s most important to them…and it really gives insight to what’s working for many other family types.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 121: Be a Duplicatable Leader with Tessa from Build A Country Home

The season of Advent is almost here…a time of waiting and expectation for Christ's birth. This *should be a time of peace and togetherness in our homes, but in reality…

Sometimes it's just not.

Sometimes we overload our calendars, rush from thing to thing, and by the time Christmas arrives, we're exhausted, our kids have lost their minds, and our homes are a disaster.

Not this year, sweet mommas. Not. This. Year.

Today we have Tessa from Build a Country Home. She is a homeschooling mom of 6 and her family owns a dairy farm in southern Alberta. She is deeply connected with the unique struggles of life in regards to motherhood and has built a business by helping women create harmony, order, and cooperation within their home and family so that they have energy and the mental fortitude to do all the things that God has asked of them...especially during the holiday seasons!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 120: Refilling Your Cup During the Holidays with Maria Serbus

The holidays are upon us...and you know that means …behind all the memories, all the special moments, all the sweet treats, all the parties, and meals, and decorations, and thoughtful giving...are some pretty phenomenal, but more than likely, exhausted mommas.

My fellow high-achieving know who you are.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 119: A Better Way to $pend the Holidays with Amanda Teixeira of Wallet Win

The holidays are upon us and they are filled with good and right celebration! But it can be really difficult to honor our finances during a time of so much GOOD or if we are honoring our finances...not to do so without creating a scarcity mindset.

To set us on the right path is Amanda Texiera! She is the co-founders and co-owner of Wallet Win with her husband. Their mission is to help Catholics find financial freedom by eliminating debt, building savings, and changing the world through generosity. They are also the creators and hosts of their very own Podcast, the Catholic Money Show!

Amanda Texiera welcome!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 118: You’re Arguing With Your Reality With Catherine Johnson

We’re coming back after a long series on miscarriage, and originally we wanted to release this interview in a different month, but after the interview with Catherine Johnson, we KNEW that it actually belonged right here, between our discussion on loss and our discussion coming up on welcoming the holiday season.

As beautiful as the holidays are, they can also bring a slew of many other emotions that are LESS enjoyable…overwhelm, resentment, anger, bitterness…because when we get overwhelmed we can feel like EVERYTHING depends on us!

These emotions can come out in all kinds of different ways, and they can waterfall into our families. Especially during times of high stress…like the holidays.

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