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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 121: Be a Duplicatable Leader with Tessa from Build A Country Home

The season of Advent is almost here…a time of waiting and expectation for Christ's birth. This *should be a time of peace and togetherness in our homes, but in reality…

Sometimes it's just not.

Sometimes we overload our calendars, rush from thing to thing, and by the time Christmas arrives, we're exhausted, our kids have lost their minds, and our homes are a disaster.

Not this year, sweet mommas. Not. This. Year.

Today we have Tessa from Build a Country Home. She is a homeschooling mom of 6 and her family owns a dairy farm in southern Alberta. She is deeply connected with the unique struggles of life in regards to motherhood and has built a business by helping women create harmony, order, and cooperation within their home and family so that they have energy and the mental fortitude to do all the things that God has asked of them...especially during the holiday seasons!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 120: Refilling Your Cup During the Holidays with Maria Serbus

The holidays are upon us...and you know that means …behind all the memories, all the special moments, all the sweet treats, all the parties, and meals, and decorations, and thoughtful giving...are some pretty phenomenal, but more than likely, exhausted mommas.

My fellow high-achieving know who you are.

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 48: Gratitude Practices…for When You Can’t Even Pee By Yourself -Water & Sleep

This week we’re trying something new! This episode is part two of five ALL about gratitude (In a mom-friendly way). Today we’ll cover drinking more water and getting more sleep (and how to fit these in as a mom). Make sure to come back for parts three through five, when we’ll cover volunteering & savoring your experiences, writing to someone & visiting a friend (or going on a trip), and prayer (meditation) & mindset. Are you on our e-mail list yet? Each Monday we check in with our community of moms-and we want you there! Click here and we’ll send you the 2022 Deliberate Day Holiday Planner AND get you on the list!

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Meal Planning Tiffany Parke Meal Planning Tiffany Parke

Episode 47: Gratitude Practices…for When You Can’t Even Pee by Yourself - Journaling & Exercising

This week we’re trying something new! This episode is part one of five ALL about gratitude (In a mom-friendly way). Today we’ll cover journaling and exercising (and how to fit these in as a mom). Make sure to come back for parts two through five, when we’ll cover drinking more water & getting more sleep, volunteering & savoring your experiences, writing to someone & visiting a friend (or going on a trip), and prayer (meditation) & mindset.

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