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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 90: People Don’t Take Trips…Trips Take People

We drove over 5k miles…over 21 days…in one van…with 9 people.

And I can tell you…Traveling…in any capacity…is going to change you. You will have SEEN some things…especially when you travel with kids… because “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” – John Steinback

As we're getting into the heart of summer we wanted to share some of the lessons we've learned and tucked away from roughly 18+ years of traveling with kids. This is not a to do list, but just some thoughts on our list of considerations when we're planning adventures.

We REALLY believe in the importance and value of taking trips with your people (and even without them) so let this be something that helps you feel better prepared...and not overwhelmed, because once we started writing this stuff down it went from one episode to 3...because we have learned SO much and because gosh darn it, we just love to talk...and short and sweet clearly isn't our jam.

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