Episode 63: The Deliberate Start-Master What Matters


What You’ll Learn

  • Priorities (02:05)

  • Invitation (08:45)

Moms get to have goals too…whether you’re a stay at home mom who’s immersed in raising little ones, a mom who feels like she’s barely surviving, or a mom who is balancing homeschooling, a side hustle or ALL OF THE ABOVE. We’re here to tell you, you get to have goals.

We’re continuing to take you step by step through goal planning for REAL moms. We started with self-reflection, unpacked a vision for your future yesterday, today we're aligning those dreams with your priorities.

We have been goal planning for YEARRRRRS. It's because of all that trial and error (and learning how to grow dreams and goals WITH our husbands and children) that we created the Deliberate Start.

It’s a both lovely and meaningful guide designed specifically to speak to mothers in their daily challenges and areas of growth. It includes 3 sections, the Deliberate Reflection, Deliberate Beginnings, and Deliberate Goal Planning.

The prompts are designed to guide you through with good questions, not to mention we solved the 'blank page problem' by creating checklists to carry you through when your mom brain is giving you mad writing block vibes. Whether you’re brand new to goal planning or a seasoned planner, you’re going to hear something on this podcast, or you’re going to find something in the Deliberate Start that you’ve never considered before.

And dare we be so bold to say....this is going to be life-changing.

Priorities (02:05)

What are priorities?

Our priorities are what's most important to us. And ordering them is just that...putting them in order from greatest to least.

This matters because in order to make goals that ACTUALLY serve you and your family, you need to have clarity on what's most important to you so you can make intentional plans to invest in those priorities. AND because when you do this you are FAR more likely to stay committed when you are clear on your 'why'.

If you've been journeying with us since Monday, you've done some incredible deep work into what's shaped you and what you want to cultivate going forward (psst..If not go back to the beginning of this series (episode 61) and start there).

When it comes to goal planning we want to think about what makes us come alive. What we love. What will make your 5-year-old AND 80-year-old self proud?!

As mothers there is no shortage of distractions or interruptions, so it's important that we dig a little deeper and choose goals that align with our greater purpose...our big picture. Our big why.

Let's talk about some common priorities as a jumping off point....these are all broad overview priorities so resist the urge to apply a singular goal to them for now....we promise that's coming!

Also, remember that this is a jumping off point, you may feel some of these overlap, or that you want to add some...if you do, wonderful! This list is very personal to you, so make it what you need it to be.

Spiritual wellness




Health & Wellness



Wealth & money

Mental wellness




Your marriage

Business & Work

Personal growth

Quality time

Your children



Personal education


Choose 8 priorities from the list, or add your own....we're going to read that list again. Do you have your pen and paper or Deliberate Start Guide ready?

Okay, here they are:

Spiritual wellness




Health & Wellness



Wealth & money

Mental wellness




Your marriage

Business & Work

Personal growth

Quality time

Your children



Personal education


After writing down or checking off your 8 priorities in the Deliberate Start guide...now it's time to order them from least to greatest.

As you do, remember it's perfectly fine to combine similar priorities (i.e. family/friends, spiritual/mental wellness, etc.)

Here's an example of how I ordered my priorities last year:

  1. Thriving spiritually, mentally & physically

  2. My marriage

  3. My children/our family

  4. Homeschooling

  5. Our Business

  6. Learning/Growing/Experiencing

  7. Make our house a home

  8. Financial Freedom


(Tiff) And Here's mine:

  1. Spiritual

  2. Overall Health

  3. My marriage

  4. Children & Family

  5. Homeschooling

  6. Business

  7. Home

  8. Recreation

That's it. That's all the work for today. You're really doing it momma...and we are high-fiving you! Because this is all part of becoming.

Invitation (08:45)

Just remember we're sharing from the Deliberate Goal Planning chapter and we walked you through ordering your priorities, but if you loved what you heard and you'd like to have everything laid out in front of you in a beautiful workbook with resources you can use again and again, you can head over to our website, thedeliberateday.org, and get your own copy of the Deliberate Start Guide to print out today!


Episode 64: The Deliberate Start-From Frazzled to Focused


Episode 62: The Deliberate Start-You’re Not Lost, You’re Here