Episode 62: The Deliberate Start-You’re Not Lost, You’re Here


What You’ll Learn

  • The Deliberate Beginning (01:53)

  • Personal (03:05)

  • Spiritual (08:30)

  • Family (13:40)

  • Home (18:50)

  • Finances (27:40)

  • Business (35:20)

  • Homeschool (35:45)

  • Invitation (37:25)

Moms get to have goals too…whether you’re a stay at home mom who’s immersed in raising little ones, a mom who feels like she’s barely surviving, or a mom who is balancing homeschooling, a side hustle or ALL OF THE ABOVE. We’re here to tell you, you get to have goals.

We’re continuing to take you step by step through goal planning for REAL moms. We started with self-reflection, and today we're going to unpack a vision for your future.

After years of goal planning, we’ve tested framework after framework from various experts and they have all played a part in shaping what we’re using today.

We’re working from a resource we created called the Deliberate Start. It’s an incredible guide designed specifically for mothers. It includes 3 sections, the Deliberate Reflection, Deliberate Beginnings, and Deliberate Goal Planning.

The prompts are designed to guide you and ask you good questions, there are even checklists to spur your creativity and dreams when your mom brain is DONE! Whether you’re brand new to goal planning or a seasoned planner, you’re going to hear something on this podcast, or you’re going to find something in the Deliberate Start that you’ve never considered before.

Momma, this guide will change your world.

The Deliberate Beginning (01:53)

What is a deliberate beginning?

It's taking the time to really think about what you want in the different areas of your life.

This is a largely over-looked, but VERY important step in your goal planning...Especially for moms! But this is a step that not many people consider because we get so focused on just the goal. This is where you dig deep for what results would serve you and your family best in the coming months. Where you can dream and be encouraged.

We are sharing from the Deliberate Beginnings chapter today and while we would love to share every piece of it, it's such a beautiful and substantial resource we had to get picky and only share what we could fit in our time constraints today. So instead we're going to get you started with a few questions from each section of it.

Here’s where you need to grab a pen and paper and be ready to pause this podcast….unless you’re driving, in which case don't grab a pen and paper, instead listen along with us, think on your answers, then get a pen and paper and come back and listen as many times as you want!

Personal (03:05)

We're jumping in with YOU today.

Because WHO we are matters! Who we were created to be...our gifts, our talents, our strengths, our joys, our challenges. These things shape where we're going AND more importantly, the best way to get there because it's in the becoming.

We want to help you get past the blank page problem so we're going to highlight one of our favorite aspects of the Deliberate Start...the checklists.

We know what it's like to want to do the deep work, but to stare at all the prompts and feel overwhelmed. SO...we created checklists that are sprinkled throughout the pages to give you a head start and spark your inspiration.

Where do you feel encouraged/motivated:

Being incentivized

Verbal Encouragement

Trying new things

Spreading joy

Leading others

Helping/caring for others

In creating

Being challenged

Seeing success

What do you want to be remembered for (think of your obituary)?

What are your needs right now?

Spiritual (08:30)

When we're well rooted in Christ the grace necessary to manage challenges and changes is available when it is needed most.

In our motherhood, we need to tap into that grace...for others AND for ourselves. Grace to teach, mentor, and guide from a place of rest. Rest that comes from being well rooted in Christ. This is why the Spiritual page is so important.

Here's another one of those checklists...where do you feel rooted in faith?

Attending church regularly

Reading the bible

Bible study with others


Teaching and mentoring

Daily prayer



Time alone with Christ

In which area will you grow deeper roots?

What sources of inspiration do you want to dig into?

Family (13:40)

This quote by Elisabeth Elliot reminds us that "Ordinary work, which is what most of us do, most of the time, is ordained by God every bit as much as is the extraordinary." Motherhood can often be a hard and thankless job, but it's in this 'ordinary work' that our greatest contributions can be seen.

What traditions do you want to continue?

Where do you want to make a difference?

Character strengths we want to hone?

Home (18:50)

Our homes can set the mood for the day, motivate us, bring us peace, and provide immense functionality. They can also they cause us, our spouses, and our children additional stress or overwhelm when they are disorganized, cluttered, or poorly cared for. What kind of home do you wish to cultivate for yourself and your people this year?

What do you want your home to be filled with?

What spaces aren't working for you? 

Here's another checklist...what is the ONE area that most needs your focus?


Cleaning Regularly


Calendar & Schedule

Meal Planning



Finances (27:40)

Money doesn't buy happiness as the old adage goes, but it certainly does serve a purpose. Just as we are called to be good stewards of our time, talents and families, the same goes for our finances. This means being honorable in paying our debts, giving to others in need, and using our funds to serve our families well. How do you hope to guide your financial decisions this year?

What is one area you need to cut back on?

What items do you want to save for?

Who or what do you want to give to this year? (don't wait for better times)

We can't go into these next two sections due to time constraints, but we wanted to give you a little food for thought on these two topics anyway...


Whether it's a side hustle, main hustle, full-fledged business, hobby, or whatever endeavor that has you fighting fears, overcoming challenges, and growing and learning...this section is for you!

If you've been brave enough to go after big dreams or goals and make money doing it (or you're on your way to making money doing it), how do you want things to keep moving forward?

Homeschool (35:45)

When it comes to homeschooling, I am often grounded by the reminder that a greenhouse provides an environment for cultivating. I am reminded why we are here and why we choose to homeschool year after year. Our children's hearts, minds, and souls deserve to be protected, cultivated, and cherished before they are ready to be "transplanted" out into the world. When their roots are strengthened and deep, they will be mature enough to weather the storms that will rage against them.

HOW we teach is just as important as what we teach, what culture do you want to cultivate in yourself and your home this coming year?

Pat yourself on the back...go get yourself a celebratory coffee...high-five yourself! You are worlds ahead of where you were when you started this podcast...even if all you did was listen and think through your answers. Come back tomorrow because we're taking all the hard thought-work you've done so far and using it to discern your priorities (psst...because this is the next important step in choosing goals that align with your dreams).

Invitation (37:25)

While we were only able to share a few questions from each category of the Deliberate Reflection today, if you loved what you heard and want to dig deeper with a beautiful workbook and resources you can use again and again, head over to our website, thedeliberateday.org, and get your copy of the Deliberate Start Guide today!


Episode 63: The Deliberate Start-Master What Matters


Episode 61: The Deliberate Start-Looking Back to Look Forward