Episode 99: From Summer to School Without Losing Your Cool


What You’ll Learn

  • The Week Before (01:33)

  • Emotional & Mental Health (12:48)

  • Be a Student of Your Children (30:05)

  • Managing Our Emotions & Health (36:15)

  • Takeaways (42:48)

  • Invitation (43:41)

Summer is the time of year that everything goes off plan...even when you've taken time to plan well...you're still off routine and flying by the seat of your pants.

Asking yourself and your kids to go from that to perfectly planned days is madness...we need a transition period. Because it's a TRANSITION! And all life transitions need a bit more love in our opinion!

Whether you homeschool, public-school, private-school, or even no-school (I'm talking about our toddler moms). Summer shakes things up for everybody! It gets dark at different times, family and friends are visiting, the weather is changing, the activities ramp up...it really doesn't matter what stage of life you're in...life gets crazy in summer

SO. How do we begin to make those transitions in ways that set you AND your people up for success?

The Week Before (01:33)

  • Don't start too early – you’ll set yourself up for failure.

  • Begin introducing routine again (gradual shifts)

    •  begin with anchoring parts of your day & week

      • Wake-up and Bedtimes

        • Gradual shift

        • Even teens by 9 pm

        • Huberman

          • Says that sleep is "THE foundation of our mental and physical health and performance in all endeavors,” and also touts that sleep is the best nootropic, stress reliever, immune booster, and emotional stabilizer, among other benefits

        • We all function better with more sleep

        • Wake-up before your people – IT WILL MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE

  • Timely meals – no snacks!

    • Meal Planning

  • Regular home responsibilities

    • Laundry

    • Chores

    • Organization

      • Physical

      • Calendar

Emotional & Mental Health (12:48)

  • Expect...

      • Regressions

        • Potty training / bed wetting

        • Sleep

        • Attachment

        • Maturity

      • Push-back / Over-attachment

        • In simple requests

        • Helping family

        • Going places

      • Unreasonable behaviors

        • Whining

        • Meltdowns

        • Anger/frustration

        • Selfishness

  • We can't perfectly prepare them, but we can

    • Set expectations – Knowledge is power – keep kids in the lop

      • What we (as parents) expect of them

      • What THEY can expect from schedules & routines

        • Family wall calendar / meal planner *meal planner kit*

      • Clear Boundaries

      • Stay in communication - Give verbal updates

Be a Student of Your Children (30:05)

    • Understand that there are children who struggle more than others:

      • Resistance to change

      • Anxious child

        • Understand that plans can change

      • Don't forget the go with the flow or people pleaser child

        • Have a breaking point too

    • If you are a "go-er" NOT everyone in your family is...

  • Consider nutrient deficiencies

    • B12 and D3 for teens

    • Sunshine!!!!!

    • Body movement

    • Vitamin C

  • It's not our job to fix, change, or be responsible for all their emotions

    • Love them

    • Hold space

    • Hold boundaries!

      • Uncannily effective

      • Also uncannily difficult

Managing Our Emotions & Health (36:15)

    • Being a student of ourselves

      • Sleep

      • Food

      • Coping mechanisms that work

        • prayer/meditation

    • Being organized:

      • Calendar / schedule / routine – you have agency

        • DOWN DAYS!

        • Consider a "busy day"

        • Understand green/yellow/red zones

        • Consider what month....

          • August is insane...

          • Holidays are wild...

      • Home systems – BE kind to tomorrow's you

        • End of school day

        • Meals (huge anchor to your day)

        • Chores

        • Next day set-up

        • Evening routines

Takeaways (42:48)

  1. Don't start too early – shoot for beginning transitions the week before.

  2. Transition in gradual shifts.

  3. Expect regressions, push-back, and unreasonable behaviors but set reasonable expectations, hold fast to your boundaries, and be a student of your children.

  4. Remember it's not you job to fix, change, or be responsible for their emotions, it IS your job to love them, hold space, and hold boundaries.

  5. Our own emotions and mental and physical health ARE our responsibility.

  6. We need to begin by being a student of ourselves, choose organization and coping systems that will serve us and keep tomorrow's us in mind.

Invitation (43:41)

We talked about meal planning being an anchor to the day, so if you don’t have our meal planning kit yet, go get it here!

Remember momma…you are doing beautiful work!


Episode 100: Our Favorite Products


Episode 98: The Story of an Athiest, Baking, & Conversion…with Simone Florez