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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 109: SHARE-ing Homeschool

Let’s face it, we LOVE Homeschooling, but it can be a lonely journey! Depending on your location and your tribe, you may wake up one day to realize that you've spent the last 3 years in your house and not one of your children owns a "real" pair of pants (except their church pair of course). If this is you…no shame!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 108: Homeschooling…Real Talk from the Trenches

We've talked about our 'why's' and the benefits we've seen in our own families, so we thought it would only be appropriate to speak to the harder parts of homeschooling. So, if you're considering it, you don't feel blindsided, and if you're already doing it, you don't feel alone.

Because, like parenting, homeschooling isn't for the weak of heart, but just like parenting it will strengthen your heart along the way.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 107: Every Moment is a Teachable Moment — Wisdom and Stories from Seasoned Homeschool Moms

If you've ever wanted to pick the brain of a homeschool mom who's been there and DONE that...boy do we have a podcast for you!

We gathered up some homeschool mommas with years and years of experience! And not JUST in homeschooling...but two were also previous teachers. All three of these beautiful mommas have six kids or more so the stories and advice you're going to hear will be seasoned, honest, and encouraging. They have graciously agreed to answer our questions and give their thoughts about traditional school, homeschool, and everything in between.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 106: Never Say Never…How We Came to Homeschooling

Welcome back to the Deliberate Day Podcast...we're your hosts, Brittany & Tiffany and today is OUR why for homeschooling. 

There are as many different reasons to homeschool as there are options for curriculum and your reasons will even change over time...because homeschooling is a journey WITH your kids and you are ALL growing through it.

We also want to add a caveat that we don't believe everyone should be homeschooled. We do feel strongly about it for our families (as you will be hearing), but we also recognize that homeschooling is a very personal decision based on your unique family and situation and we fully understand that it IS a privilege to homeschool.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 105: Homeschooling? Start Here.

I would like to make a very bold statement...there are many reasons that you can't homeschool but you being NOT one of them. It is a lie and it's NOT. TRUE.

This is one of the most common things we hear that makes our hearts just ache. Momma, you've heard us say it before, but YOU are the best momma for your children, and that include their education.

We're shaking things up a bit today and we've asked a sweet momma on the podcast that is brand new to her own personal homeschooling journey.

We invited her to bring all her questions and inhibitions in hopes that it might speak to other mommas who are on the fence and are just looking for some more information or support.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 104: Our Favorite Children’s Books

Children's books hold a special place in our hearts!  Both of us read to our kids daily, and over the years we've collected more than a few favorite titles!  Would you like the list?  Get it here!Finally...remember sweet are doing beautiful work!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 99: From Summer to School Without Losing Your Cool

Summer is the time of year that everything goes off plan...even when you've taken time to plan're still off routine and flying by the seat of your pants.

Asking yourself and your kids to go from that to perfectly planned days is madness...we need a transition period. Because it's a TRANSITION! And all life transitions need a bit more love in our opinion!

Whether you homeschool, public-school, private-school, or even no-school (I'm talking about our toddler moms). Summer shakes things up for everybody! It gets dark at different times, family and friends are visiting, the weather is changing, the activities ramp really doesn't matter what stage of life you're gets crazy in summer

SO. How do we begin to make those transitions in ways that set you AND your people up for success?

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