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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 99: From Summer to School Without Losing Your Cool

Summer is the time of year that everything goes off plan...even when you've taken time to plan're still off routine and flying by the seat of your pants.

Asking yourself and your kids to go from that to perfectly planned days is madness...we need a transition period. Because it's a TRANSITION! And all life transitions need a bit more love in our opinion!

Whether you homeschool, public-school, private-school, or even no-school (I'm talking about our toddler moms). Summer shakes things up for everybody! It gets dark at different times, family and friends are visiting, the weather is changing, the activities ramp really doesn't matter what stage of life you're gets crazy in summer

SO. How do we begin to make those transitions in ways that set you AND your people up for success?

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