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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 109: SHARE-ing Homeschool

Let’s face it, we LOVE Homeschooling, but it can be a lonely journey! Depending on your location and your tribe, you may wake up one day to realize that you've spent the last 3 years in your house and not one of your children owns a "real" pair of pants (except their church pair of course). If this is you…no shame!

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 108: Homeschooling…Real Talk from the Trenches

We've talked about our 'why's' and the benefits we've seen in our own families, so we thought it would only be appropriate to speak to the harder parts of homeschooling. So, if you're considering it, you don't feel blindsided, and if you're already doing it, you don't feel alone.

Because, like parenting, homeschooling isn't for the weak of heart, but just like parenting it will strengthen your heart along the way.

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The Deliberate Day The Deliberate Day

Episode 106: Never Say Never…How We Came to Homeschooling

Welcome back to the Deliberate Day Podcast...we're your hosts, Brittany & Tiffany and today is OUR why for homeschooling. 

There are as many different reasons to homeschool as there are options for curriculum and your reasons will even change over time...because homeschooling is a journey WITH your kids and you are ALL growing through it.

We also want to add a caveat that we don't believe everyone should be homeschooled. We do feel strongly about it for our families (as you will be hearing), but we also recognize that homeschooling is a very personal decision based on your unique family and situation and we fully understand that it IS a privilege to homeschool.

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