Episode 152: Homeschooling in New Zealand on a Bus with Maddy Worthington


What You’ll Learn

We want to talk homeschooling…more specifically….what an ACTUAL day in a homeschool looks like.

But, the reality is, every homeschool is different...because every child is different, every mom is different, and every family is different.

So, rather than just share what Tiffany and I do in OUR homeschools, we thought it would be amazing to reach out to other moms in our community and showcase all the real possibilities for homeschooling! 

In this episode, we have Maddy, wife to James and Mama to 6 kiddies (as she calls them). She lives in New Zealand in her House Bus and 'road-schools' her kids as they travel and explore their beautiful country.

She's a lover of holistic health & natural remedies, tiny living, dark chocolate, reading, being adventurous, all things pregnancy, birth & motherhood especially in the context of God's amazing design…

But First (01:05)

Have you seen the Homeschool Plan Like a Mother Guide?! It’s for new and seasoned homeschool mommas!

There’s a thoughtful Reflection section that will help you process the highlights of the past year, work through the lowlights, and reignite your ‘why.’

It also helps you fine-tune what you’d like for the year to come…what your goals are, what your kids’ goals are, what curriculum you want to use and it keeps everything well organized!

There’s a student narrative, which is one of our favorite parts…Britt does this at the beginning of the year and then halfway through. It keeps us on track, it’s a compass for making sure we’re heading in the right direction and being students of our children.

The Radiant Buslife Family (02:30)

There are six kids, ages 12, 10, 9, 5, 2, and 10 months old (4 girls & 2 boys). Maddy currently homeschools the oldest 4 (technically), but everyone is learning all the time!

The family began homeschooling about 7 years ago, when the oldest child was 5, but it wasn’t the first plan. Maddy and her husband had actually visited local Christian schools, but then…

A Calling to Something Different (04:30)

A Calling to Something Different (04:30)

Although it wasn’t exactly what THEY’d planned, Maddy & her husband were called to do some volunteer work in Israel (which consequently changed their schooling plans).

So, they packed up their 4-year-old, 2-year-old, and baby and headed to Israel. They also looked at schools again but decided to homeschool for the duration of their 12 months in Israel.

Maddy just loved homeschooling, so when the time in Israel was increased to 3 years (18 months in Jerusalem, 18 months in Tiberius), she began working with her second child as well.

Bus Life (05:55)

Towards the end of their time in Israel, they decided to live the bus life and see the beauty in their home country, which naturally led to more homeschooling.

Maddy’s husband works from home (wherever they’re parked) for Derek Prince Ministries and is the breadwinner for the family.

The bus is called Pearl (named by Maddy’s daughter) as a nod to the scripture about the ‘Pearl of Great Price.’ Living in a bus has been a six-year dream. The bus was bought as a coach and took 2 years to build.

Maddy walked through the bus with her husband for many hours with duct tape, designing it themselves. They cut the roof off and raised it (to make room for triple bunk beds). See the ENTIRE build here (in just 20 minutes)!

Homeschool Space & Rhythm (08:35)

The family does a lot of schooling outside (where they’re parked right now, there’s a picnic table). She does have a big shelf in the living area that stores her curriculum, and she keeps the arts, crafts, and extra books in some storage areas. They also use the family table for homeschooling.

More often than not, school happens in the morning. Maddy has worked out a buddy system for the family during homeschool hours (she has the three bigs and three littles matched up). The older kids keep the younger ones entertained while she works individually, and then they rotate.

Sometimes, the family goes to the beach in the morning, and on those days, the older kids will do their independent work while the younger kids nap. Honestly, the days don’t look very consistent.

Meals as an Anchor in the Day (11:10)

Each day, the family has a big, long, hot breakfast. Maddy loves cooking and cooking from scratch!

Maddy enjoys visiting farmer’s markets in their travels. They’re at the top of the south island, and the fresh fruits and vegetables from the roadside stores and market gardens are fresher AND cheaper!

Curriculum, Curriculum, Curriculum (12:45)

Maddy loves to try new things, so she’s tried quite a few new curriculums. Currently, she’s using Gather Round and she LOVES it! It’s the first curriculum she’s stuck to for an extended period.

She’s had to rethink how the family was using it though because with two small children, it wasn’t possible to sit at the table with everyone at the same time (which left the toddler free to roam).

After listening to a podcast from Sarah Mackenzie, she tried partnering an older child with a younger one and rotating. This seemed to work! She also had each child choose a unit study about a subject they’re passionate about, and that has been exciting for the family too!

In addition to the unit studies the family uses Math Buddy (this is online), typing club, poetry, and lots of reading aloud! While the older kids are getting started on work, Maddy will take the younger ones to some music and mat times (something she did with her older ones).

Incorporating Faith (18:40)

Many Christian homeschool moms are familiar with the verse about teaching your children while they’re lying down, when they get up, and when they walk along the way, and this is how Maddy teaches faith. It’s an integral part of every day.

The family starts the morning with bible time, right now they’re reading through Egermeier’s Bible Storybook which contains more than the usual children’s storybook bible.

They’ll also read through and discuss the proverbs, and then they’ll read The Gift of Values from Rosie Boom. This takes about an hour, then they finish with prayer and eat breakfast.

Shabbat (21:10)

The family learned the beauty of the Shabbat during their time in Israel (it starts Friday at Sundown and ends Saturday at Sundown). Over in Israel, it’s cultural (so even non-religious celebrate it).

Maddy’s family hosts other families wherever they’re parked. She bakes Challah, the families share wine or grape juice. They bless the bread and the wine, thank Jesus for his body and blood, and every husband blesses his children and wife.

Everyone goes around the table and tells what they’re thankful for, and the cup of blessing is filled to overflowing with everyone’s thankfulness.

Unfortunately, it was so visible to Maddy’s family when they returned from Israel that the culture in New Zealand can be toxic for relationships. She’s had wives weep when their husbands bless them after dinner.

Another beautiful part of Shabbat is the tradition of men bringing flowers home. Maddy doesn’t get to enjoy this part (due to allergies), but in Israel, little flower shops pop up on Fridays for this reason.

Extracurriculars (28:00)

Because their life is very flexible, extracurriculars look a bit different for the kids now. Instead of rugby and football, the kids have had the opportunities to do things like sea kayaking adventures, and there will also be a white water rafting trip! These outdoor adventures are the extracurriculars right now.

Just learning and exploring their way through New Zealand is plenty of “extra” for the family to enjoy! No matter where you go…the bush walks, the waterfalls…there’s so much to learn in your backyard!

Deciding When to Go (31:10)

There have been times when the family has planned their travels (earlier this year, for example). But, it’s not something they do all the time. There are plenty of freedom camping spots in New Zealand, which is key because most paid campgrounds charge per child!

They have a rule about not traveling too much, too far, too often. The babies don’t particularly enjoy being in the vehicle and driving, so the pace is slower.

Homeschooling Fear & Flex (33:40)

Every homeschool mom fears that she’s not doing enough (at some point). Moms of large families especially are constantly being pulled in many directions. Maddy has been working through fear of failure in many areas of her life, not just homeschooling, and it’s been freeing to let it go! Maddy suggests you listen to the podcast with Sarah Mackenzie if this is something you struggle with.

Maddy listened to another podcast from Sarah Mackenzie about homeschooling with babies and toddlers, and while it is just a season, for those of us who are having babies all the time…it’s actually just life. So there’s a balance between recognizing your season, and also making sure you’re working diligently (and trusting your children to the Lord).

Maddy is killing it with flexibility right now! Being able to send her daughter on a kayaking trip, go for a walk with the littles, and know that if things don’t get done this week, it will be OK.

A's to Our Q's (38:00)

  1. The most impactful podcasts for Maddy in her homeschooling journey have been two episodes of Read Aloud Revival…Episode 231 about homeschooling with babies and toddlers, and Episode 229 about the spiral notebooks. As far as books go, Rosie Boom has a book called Heart to Heart…it’s filled with wisdom and encouragement, and Maddy’s reading Brave Learner by Julie Bogart currently.

  2. For a backup meal, Maddy makes egg noodles in bone broth! Another one the kids love is pasta cooked with olive oil, herbs, and salt…and if she wants to get fancy, she’ll add capers and olives.

  3. Maddy sets herself up for success for the day by spiral notebooking (it’s a game changer…if she doesn’t do it…she FEELS it).

  4. What Maddy most enjoys teaching and learning about is entrepreneurship! She’s been unraveling her own schooling and the mindsets she’s had around money and business. She’s always wanted to be a full-time mom, but the idea that she can be at home with her kids AND also be home with her kids is fantastic. They did the Entrepreneurship unit with Gather Round, and they’ve started a business with their kids! They renovated their own camper van, kitted it out, took photos and did instructional videos before renting it out on Camplify. They actually made enough profit over the summer to purchase a second camper van!

Where to Find Maddy Worthington (46:15)

If you’d like to follow Maddy and her family, you can find them on Instagram @radiant_buslife. For the full tour of the bus, check it out on Youtube. Her family also has an online store!

And never forget sweet mommas…

YOU are doing beautiful work!


Episode 153: 10 Things Every New Homeschool Mom Needs


Episode 151: Start Your Homeschool Year with a Memory