Episode 135: Clipboards & Spiral Notebooks…Start Here


What You’ll Learn

Community is important in every aspect of life…even in homeschooling. 

This doesn't mean you have to be involved in a co-op or homeschool group in your local area (although that CAN enrich your experience), but it DOES mean that finding your 'people' (either in-person or online) IS important. 

Social media can get a bad rap (many times deserved) but it is a GREAT way to find new ideas, hear differing perspectives, and (if you're following uplifting accounts) see solutions you never would've considered (or even heard about) before! 

With ALL these things in mind, and in an attempt to REALLY serve the mommas in our community, we've asked our good friend, fellow homeschool momma, and former co-op co-teacher Renee Amato to join us in asking (and answering) questions about two systems Brittany uses daily in her homeschool!

The Homeschool Clipboard Editable Template is a small but mighty game changer. In fact, it’s simplicity is almost magical.

✨ it fosters independence and that frees up your VALUABLE time and mental space

✨ it enables the clarity and direction kids need to be able to take responsibility and run with it

✨ it encourages you to prioritize and keep things simple so no one gets overwhelmed

✨ it’s visual so even non-readers can join in the fun and feel successful right away

✨ it’s not permanent so changing things up is a breeze

✨ kids love marking off tasks and earning tickets so it fuels self-motivation…which again, frees up your valuable time

With this download you will get a PDF file with tips for getting started, examples to inspire and help you and your template link to be able to edit and fully customize it in Canva.


Homeschool Plan Like a Mother works for the brand new AND seasoned homeschool mommas. It takes a different approach to planning your homeschool journey by walking you through your ‘why’ and helping you fine-tune what you want to see in your coming homeschool year.

It also offers some unique pages that…

✨ Help you get organized

✨ Set realistic expectations

✨ Plan for adventures

✨ Set big goals

✨ Invite you to become a student of your child

✨ Encourage you to recognize learning in unlikely places

✨ Help you cultivate the homeschool you really want

Clipboards 101 (00:47)

This system is REALLY simple…the idea actually came from Sarah Mackenzie (author of Teaching from Rest). Brittany uses the clipboards with her younger kids, and spiral notebooks with her olders. The difference is the visual component, and the ability to pivot from day to day.

Older kids tend to be a bit more independent, so the spiral notebooks allow Brittany to have a touchpoint on their progress. It helps the kids…yes, but it also helps HER stay consistent. As a homeschool mom, it can be easy to overestimate the amount of school work that can be done in a day…and writing it down really helps a mom narrow down to what’s actually important (and possible).

The clipboards are very simple…it’s a 9-piece grid with an item in each square. SO many great ideas have been shared with us on Instagram…sticky pages, laminating sheets…mommas this is amazing! For Brittany, simple is best right now. She puts 9 things on the grid and if her child outgrows it or changes needs to happen, she’ll toss it out and make a new one (and this is her advice for anyone starting out).

Tasks Included on the Clipboards (04:45)

As you decide what to put on your clipboards (or in your spiral notebooks), ask yourself…

  • What does my child do each day?

  • What are the things that are most important to our family?

  • What are our ‘whys’?

  • What is important to us for learning?

  • What exactly can your child do on their own?

Brittany recommends that no more than half the items be something your kids need to do with YOU. She made only three items on her clipboard (language arts, math, and religion) that need to involve her. Everything else they can do with a sibling, or on their own.

The purpose of the clipboards is to build responsibility, habits, consistency…and if she has to have a touchpoint on EVERY item, it won’t work for her. It’s ok that we can’t do or be everything because we are just. one. mom.

Using the Clipboards (07:15)

Brittany’s kids use the spiral notebooks and the clipboards every day. In the later evenings (when teenagers like to talk), she’s able to ask her older kids about any items that aren’t marked off.

She’ll fill in the spiral notebooks either the night before or the morning of, and the kids will pick up their clipboards or notebooks either before or after breakfast.

For the older kids, they work on their own as much as possible, with a firm boundary about completing the spiral notebooks BEFORE any other extra-curriculars or other activities (this applies to clipboards as well). The only time during the day the kids come and show their notebooks or clipboards are before an activity (for example, if flag football is at 11:30…spiral notebooks need to be completed by 11:00).

Brittany works with the little kids checking over the clipboards after lunch, or at dinner time. The 9-grid is on top and there is an extra page right below it for the sticky notes (because the sticky notes weren’t sticking to the clipboard). As they work through their tasks, the kids will use one sticky note to cover each task…in a perfect world, all 9 items would be covered at the end of the day. Usually, they get to 6-8 items each day (and that’s fine for Brittany). The goal is the habit and some autonomy (agency and choice), NOT perfection. Brittany resets the clipboards and issues tickets.

The "Right" Number of Tasks (11:40))

Brittany hasn’t established the PERFECT number of tasks, AND it can differ between children and based on the day. On days with extracurriculars, Brittany’s family doesn’t do history or science.

The reasons this system works are…

  1. It’s SO simple.

  2. It’s visual, consistent, and it gives incredible clarity to your children.

  3. It’s COMPLETELY customizable.

The beauty of homeschooling is that we can use education to work FOR our children. We GET to try things out. As moms, we’re pivoting ALL the time! It’s ok!

Specific Tasks (14:05)

For the younger children (Brittany’s 4 year-old for example), the clipboards include tasks like…

  • Brush teeth.

  • Get dressed.

  • Play outside for an hour.

Brittany is BIG on play for younger children (versus strictly academic pursuits). The MOST important consideration is that children are learning to use the tool (the clipboard) to direct their own days (so they can eventually move to the spiral notebook and more academic subjects).

When Kids Stop Doing the Work (16:20)

This system is simple, and great, and effective, but it isn’t perfect. There WILL be a time when kids may decide NOT to do their work. It COULD be a time when firm boundaries need to be held according to your personal parenting style.

Another consideration is that a child COULD be stuck. If there’s something that a child is consistently resisting, is there another approach? Can a change be made that will accomplish the same goal? It IS possible to turn a pain point into something better. This skill is something that can translate to adulthood.

For older kids, if they’re not completing work, it’s possible that they’re struggling. They could be frustrated, angry, or discouraged. As a homeschool parent, you get to ask your child about their tasks and hold them accountable, but ALSO give them grace. Brittany looks for core subjects to be finished each day, because let’s face it…even the most high performing mom doesn’t get every item checked off on her list. Your kids are still growing and gaining ground even if they’re not completing their items every day.

If there’s something your kids absolutely HATE doing, there are options available for changing it up! AND, don’t be afraid to invite your child to be part of the solution. This is a skill that will translate into adulthood.

ALSO, the clipboards aren’t JUST for little kids, and the spiral notebooks aren’t exclusively for older kids…you can easily swap it up!

Brittany has tried so. many. things. A planner for her. A planner for each kid. Notecards for each kid each day. None of those things worked!

The spiral notebooks and clipboards work because they help keep the kids AND Brittany consistent.

Kids Taking the Lead (27:33)

There have been days where Brittany has been sick or incredibly busy and her kids have offered to write their own tasks. She tries to honor these times when her children take initiative and responsibility, even if they don’t write down all the tasks she would have chosen.

You COULD build up to the point where they’re writing in their own spiral notebooks each day, but for now, Brittany likes having this touchpoint with each child. She’ll even write notes to her kids in their notebooks, or they’ll write them back!

The Beauty of the Spiral Notebook (30:30)

All kids HAVE to do in their spiral notebooks is check a box! It could not get any simpler, and THAT’S why it works so well. Nothing fancy is needed…just a $1.50 notebook.

This ALSO works for the end of year evaluation (something we do in Florida). Brittany takes work from the beginning of the year, middle of the year, and end of the year, and it’s all there in the spiral notebook!

Getting Started and...Tickets (32:45)

When Brittany started with the clipboards and spiral notebooks, she also brought a little fun in with some tickets (which we’ll talk about in a future podcast).

You can get started with our Editable Template, make your OWN 9 piece grid, or go out and buy a spiral notebook. On day one, try three items (THEN build up)! Starting with 10-15 items would be overwhelming!

Start small, bring some fun in, and give yourself grace! With the clipboards, start with 3 sticky notes and see how it goes! DON’T be afraid to pivot!

We all need to have success in a new system, so we can get confident and so we can commit!

Before you go…get our Editable Template!

We’re so grateful for all the questions and comments, so keep them coming! Reach out on Instagram or by email at brittany@thedeliberateday.org

And, sweet momma NEVER forget…

YOU are doing beautiful work!


Episode 136: The Tickets…A Quick Q & A


Episode 134:Don’t be a Bully…to Yourself with Catherine DiNuzzo