Episode 58: Holiday Traditions…Christmas Day Chaos


What You’ll Learn

  • Saint Nicholas (01:40)

  • Shoes and Notes (02:02)

  • Baking and Cooking (05:25)

  • Recap (10:38)

  • Invitation (11:40)

WARNING…for the mommas listening, there is sensitive information in today’s podcast that is meant for mom’s ears only.

The holidays with kids are both incredibly beautiful and overwhelmingly full of challenges, like organizing all the people, planning meals, packing for trips or preparing for guests, not to mention all the gifts & MORE! This week we want to give you a peek behind the curtain, and tell you ALL about the holidays and traditions we celebrate in our homes. BUT, as you listen remember…we’re sharing ideas, customs, and traditions from over the years and how they’ve been shaped in the different seasons of motherhood. Your seasons will change, your capacity will change, and you still have plenty of time to try-on traditions to see what fits your family best. Get the MOST out of this episode when you click here and we’ll send you the 2022 Deliberate Day Holiday Planner AND get you on the list!

Invite Your People In (01:40)

Invite your husband in, invite your children in to these traditions…ask them , “What is the most important, special, or memorable thing to you?” You might be surprised, like Britt was about the stockings.

Consider that your husband may have been brought up with entirely different traditions…beautiful traditions!

Also, as we talk about Christmas plans today, definitely consult your husband before making a bunch of Christmas plans. Make sure to give some time to HIS family, and to HIM (because, yes—it is Christmas—but you are still a couple).

The In-Laws (03:15)

If you are lucky enough to live near both sides of your family, Christmas can be a time of trial (as you try to work out a fair and equitable family-time share).

It took a few years (and some trial and error), but Britt’s family does Christmas Eve with her in-laws, Christmas Day with just their little family, and Christmas Evening and a few days with her family.

So, each year—Britt does the Christmas parade and lunch with the in-laws in early December, then on Christmas Eve, they come over mid-morning for a nice big lunch and family game time.

The entire family plays games ALL day, grandparents engage with the kids (and play games with them), and this is such a precious time for their family!

Just the Family (06:10)

After games, the entire family goes to Mass, and then grandma & grandpa go home and Britt & Brandon enjoy the kids and chill out until bedtime (which is when cookies are put out for Santa).

Once the kids are in bed, Britt & Brandon visit until the kids are all asleep. Then, presents are laid out and last minute builds are accomplished (bikes and dollhouses are a BUMMER). Stockings are hung. Then…

Brandon & Britt snuggle up on the couch with some tea in the light of the Christmas tree glowing, and they exchange gifts. They do this because it gives them an opportunity to really enjoy the moment between the two of them.

Christmas morning comes QUICKLY, and with it comes the chaos! The kids all get up and immediately wake up Britt & Brandon (usually when the sun comes up). All the kiddos line up on the stairs, and Brandon (the photographer) goes downstairs and preps everything and then the kids ALL run down! Gifts are opened willy-nilly (all at once). Then, everything slows down a bit for the Christkindl (sibling gift exchange), and the stockings.

Britt & Brandon go in the kitchen. and make a HUGE breakfast together! They enjoy dancing in the kitchen together while the kids play with their gifts. There’s bacon, sausage, homemade biscuits, scrambled eggs, and cinnamon rolls (this is their BIG Christmas tradition for home).

Next, Britt gets a bit crazy as she gets everyone packed up to go to her mom’s. Organizing 9 humans and an animal isn’t easy folks! There are rules now for bringing new gifts (photographic evidence is collected—due to many years of sadness).

Britt’s Extended Family (12:45)

Christmas dinner is called “Spices & Slices” (named by one of Britt’s Brothers), which is a beef tenderloin (from one of the family cows) that’s crusted in a salty fresh herb paste, sauté it until it’s crisp on the outside, then cook it in the oven until it’s fall apart delicious! There’s mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and then a variety of different desserts (Britt usually brings peanut butter cookies for her dad).

The kids play and play and play, and then after all the kids go to bed, the adults play games, enjoy whisky & coke and a little wine.

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day at Tiff’s (15:20)

On Christmas Eve in our home, we open pajamas (this is the one time I buy pajamas each year).

Christmas morning we all wake up and everyone does me a favor by putting on their Christmas pajamas right when they wake up and we open up one gift at a time. We do stockings (not at Britt’s level)…mostly they contain lottery tickets, but this year we’ll be adding toothbrushes.

How Are We Doing? (20:00)

What did you think about this series? Are there some topics you’d like us to cover in the future? Let us know how we’re doing!


  1. We’ve really enjoyed sharing this look into our lives with you and we hope you have too! We’ve loved every message we’ve received from the wonderful mommas in our community and it is such a beautiful gift to learn from each other and to share the beauty of what we all do! Please DM or e-mail us with YOUR favorite holiday tradition!

Invitation (20:50)

Go get our free holiday planner, made specifically with mommas in mind, it is filled with resources to help YOU plan the holidays this year (and stop letting the holidays plan you).

Here are a few of the pages you'll find inside:

  • Holidays Thank You’s List

  • Holiday Life Notes

  • Resources We Love

  • Recipes

You can find the link to get the Holiday Planner EVERYWHERE! It’s at www.thedeliberateday.org, send us a DM, e-mail at Brittany@thedeliberateday.org, and it’s right here (below) in the podcast notes!!

Happy holidays!


Episode 59: The School of Business-Freshman Year


Episode 57: Holiday Traditions…Only 2 Gifts for Christmas?!