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Tiffany Parke Tiffany Parke

Episode 81: 11 Ways to Get Your Budget Back on Track

We say it all the time, life happens and I think anyone would agree that there's been A LOT OF LIFE happening the past few years. Between the entire world shutting down for a bit...prices running wild....unexpected layoffs....and just the normal life transitions that we're all expected to's been a bit hard even for seasoned budgeters to keep everything in the green.

So knowing that mucking up your budget is really a part of life…how do you get back on track when you do?

This list is not to bring shame, or guilt you about falling off the bandwagon … it's really about being real about where you are, deciding to do something different, and moving forward with small deliberate ACTION.

Shame and guilt don't deserve a ticket on this train.

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